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Hi there!
Does anyone have an idea how to detect a search result from the HTML5 output in the TOC? When I search for a key word in the help output, I want to select the desired topic. Then, when moving to the TOC tab, I want all folders to unfold and show, where exactly this topic is located in the help. This would help me to also scan nearby files for further information I might need.
I am confident that this worked some time ago, but now, neither in Chrome nor Firefox this seems to be possible. Sometimes, the TOC folds up one level at least, but as far as I can see, this only happens after a refresh, not, if any folder has been opened previous.
By the way - I had the same problem with an Adobe help for Robohelp - I opened a topic from Google search, then clicked "Show Navigation Component" in the header area and the TOC only unfolded one level, but I could not see where exactly my result is stored.
Does anyone have similar issues? Is there anything else I can do to support my readers? As far as I understand, breadcrumbs are not supported for HTML5 output? Is there some other option to add some kind of navigation link to my topics? Preferably without having to touch every topic ...
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
Kind regards
When RoboHelp 2017 Update 2 was issued, the skins were also updated . However, Adobe could not replace what was in existing outputs as it would have resulted in the loss of customisation. What you need to do is apply the later version of the skin. It is important that you do this by going to the Gallery button in the General settings of your output SSL. Select the layout again from there and give it a new name, you will not be able to save with the same name. There is a page on Adobe's site with
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Go to the RoboHelp Tour​ and search for Dynamic Content Filtering. Click the first result and then click the TOC. That seems to be what you are saying you want. If not, please clarify.
You haven't said what version of RoboHelp you are using and which skin.or whether all updates have been applied.
Who told you breadcrumbs are not supported in HTML5? They are not part of the layout, instead you put them in a master page. You can either apply the master in the output or select all the topics in the Topic List and then apply it that way.
See for free RoboHelp and Authoring information.
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Hi Peter,
thanks for your reply! Exactly, your example works as I want it to (highlighting the open topic in the TOC and opening up to this place).
Sorry that I forgot to provide my version information. I use RH 2017 All available updates are applied. I tested my output with Chrome version 72.0.3626.109 and Firefox 65.0. In both cases, the TOC did not fold up to the topic.
That breadcrumbs are not supported for HTML5 is stated in the RH help: "Breadcrumbs are generated only in WebHelp, WebHelp Pro, FlashHelp, FlashHelp Pro, HTML Help, and AIR Help. For all other layouts, breadcrumbs are not generated, even if placeholders are present."
However, I will try this and see, if it works.
Kind regards
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When RoboHelp 2017 Update 2 was issued, the skins were also updated . However, Adobe could not replace what was in existing outputs as it would have resulted in the loss of customisation. What you need to do is apply the later version of the skin. It is important that you do this by going to the Gallery button in the General settings of your output SSL. Select the layout again from there and give it a new name, you will not be able to save with the same name. There is a page on Adobe's site with layouts but that was never updated so don't use the layout there. See if that fixes the problem.
You should know better than to believe everything you read in a help file! Breadcrumbs are not in the layout for responsive help but you used to be able to insert them in a master page. That too has been disabled so strictly the help is right. However, put the cursor below the header area and you can insert breadcrumbs. That may not work in a future version of RoboHelp. However, hopefully what I have said above will help.
See for free RoboHelp and Authoring information.
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As for the breadcrumbs: you are right, this works fine. Thank you!
As for the skins: I am not using any skin, only the layout (charcoal) ... do I have to save this with a new name, make my adjustments and regenerate the projects? Or did I get you completely wrong here?
Thanks again,
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Okay, I just did what you suggested with my layout, Peter. This seems to have fixed the problem. Apparently, it was even sufficient to make this change only with my Master project; I did not have to touch all the children.
Thanks for your help!
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With 2019 layouts have become skins so across different posts sometimes I will use a term that's not right for an older version.
Making the change in the master is OK unless you open a child topic correct. There you might see the old layout. That might have changed along the way so test carefully.