Download PDF in Offline Mode
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Dear Team,
Do we have any option to save offline PDF file from the generated output of a particular page?
Amrutha V Nair
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I set up a project in a folder with the project name.
At the same level as that folder, I created Outputs\Responsive
In the project under Contents I created a folder called FolderOne and added a PDF called TestDocument.pdf
I added that as a baggage file. Note the Hide in online output. That's the bit that saves you having to paste the link into the output.
I then created a button called Download and set the URL to .
D will be your local drive so probably C
I then generated and clicked the button. Worked fine. It will only work on your machine so that you can test. When you create the help further down the line, you will change the URL to a web link to wherever you generate.
My site includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.
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Looks like that worked, although I pointed my button URL to C:\TFS\Documentation\Mobility\Help\MAIN\Mobility Portal Help\contents\PDF2025.1 Mobility Portal.pdf aka not in the output folder. If I add the PDF/Responsive folder to the output folder, they disappear when I generate the help output. At least where I pointed it to seems to work, but I will have to discuss with my team about hosting the PDF somewhere for the future. Thanks for your help!
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You have to add the PDFs into the RH project as baggage files - that way they get copied into the output folder when you generate.
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I don't think you have followed all the steps. I tested what I wrote. Try it in a new project.
My site includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.
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Jeff and Peter -
I did the following:
1. Created a folder called PDF in the contents
2. Imported the PDF file to that folder
3. Added a new topic to the TOC using the pdf file I imported to the folder mentioned above
4. Selected the Hide in outline output check box, this way the topic (and pdf file itself ends up in the output when generated)
5. Created a custom button and in the URL text box put: PDF/2025.1 Mobility Portal.pdf (I really put the entire file path, but RH automatically shortened it). So it's pointing to the folder and pdf that I created in steps 1 and 2.
This process was a bit different than detailed above, but when I generated the help output and click the button, it opens the PDF for me.
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Just to confirm, you didn't need to add the PDF as a baggage file? Which version and update of RoboHelp are you using?
My site includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.

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