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Good afternoon. I have Version 2022.5.28 and was wondering if anyone has successfully embedded Storyline output into an iframe. I have followed all the available instructions. Added the entire HTML5 folder to the TOC so it is included in the output. It works in the preview but once published, I get the topic content in the iframe also with the Robohelp site frame around it and no contents in the topic pane.
Really? Hmm, what happens if you delete the story file and folders in the output and copy in the ones from the assets folder in the project - does the output topic work then?
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Did you see this thread - ?
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I did indeed see that article and followed the instructions as suggested. Tried dragging the entire folder as well as just the story.html file as suggested. Both had the same result. I'm wondering if its because I am looking at the output locally. Would it make a difference if I looked at the output at a hosted site?
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It could make a difference because of the web server configuration. One way to find out. 🙂
My site includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.
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Uploading to a server unfortunately made no difference.
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Sounded like you need to include the entire folder structure within the project and then only reference the index page in the TOC - I don't think it makes any difference where you generate to, but it might. In that thread they were dealing with the additional complication of creating SharePoint output too.
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Did exactly that. Included entire folder structure in the project and then added the index file to the TOC.
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Also tried adding entire folder structure to the TOC. Same result.
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Well, then I guess your next stop is to ping the RH folks - see for your Adobe Support options. I'd recommend using the e-mail address as it reaches a team dedicated to Technical Communication Suite products including RoboHelp.
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I republished and reuploaded the folder structure and I have managed to get the correct storyline playing now, but Robohelp seems to be putting a 2nd frame around it. Any ideas to stop Robohelp framing it?
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Is it showing your RH TOC twice?
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Correct yes in the output. In preview it is correct.
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Then I would suggest that you selected the wrong index file to launch on that TOC item - it's supposed to be the index.htm of the Storyline thing, right?
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Correct, I use the Story.html file which is in the folder of the storyline output. The middle graphs are the correct storyline output. It is now only the Robohelp frame around it which for some reason is duplicating. Yet in the preview it doesn't.
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When you first launch the RH output, does it only have the 1 TOC showing?
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Yes, until I open the topic and scroll to the iframe with the storyline output. The second frame is part of the iframe content.
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So let's see the code from the source and output of that spot in the topic.
Also, I thought the idea was to create a TOC entry that pointed to the story index page, not stick it inside an iframe inside a topic?
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<div class="embed-container"><iframe src="../../../assets/storyline/FinOps Summary Report/story.html"></iframe></div>
I've tried without the div but same result. - A topic with an embedded iframe was my aim. Storyline output is an entire folder structure on its own so can't work from the TOC directly without the entire structure showing to users. Open to better ideas.
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Are you trying to show just a specific topic within that story folder structure? If so, maybe you can set the reference to go to the exact topic OR use some bookmark # to point at?
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The output of storyline is a folder structure with an html5 launch file. Basically a mini website.
I want to simply display that html5 output in the iframe within a topic in Robohelp.
Sorry if I am not explaining myself correctly.
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I have no idea about Storyline files, but aren't they just a collection of HTML5 files arranged in a folder structure (just like the RH HTML5 output)?
Presuming the story.html is the index page to this mini-site, how does it behave if you launch it using File Explorer when browsing that /assets/stoyline/FinOps Summary Report/ folder?
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Yes, your assumptions are all correct.
Perfect when launched from the Robohelp source in the assets folder.
With the unwanted RH frame when launched in the output assets folder.
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Comparing the two story.html files, RoboHelp is definitely adding on to the front and back of the file.
Top:<html xmlns=""><head>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=3, user-scalable=yes"/>
<meta name="version" content="2020.0.0"/>
<link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../../template/styles/topic.min.css" type="text/css"/>
<link rel="StyleSheet" data-skin="true" type="text/css" href="../../../template/MagicDefault/layout.css"/>
<link rel="StyleSheet" data-skin="true" href="../../../template/MagicDefault/userstyles.css" type="text/css"/>
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="../../../MagicOrange Favicon SmallT.png"/>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/><meta name="generator" content="Adobe RoboHelp 2022"/><meta name="topic-status" content="Draft"/><script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="html5/data/css/output.min.css" data-noprefix=""/>
<script src="html5/lib/scripts/bootstrapper.min.js"></script>
<div class="RH-LAYOUT-BRS-container" id="rh-brs"></div>
<div class="RH-LAYOUT-RIGHTPANEL-container" id="rh-rightpanel"></div>
<footer role="contentinfo" class="RH-LAYOUT-FOOTER-container" id="rh-footer"></footer>
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
gRootRelPath = "../../.."
gCommonRootRelPath = "../../.."
gTopicId = "3_3"
<script src="../../../template/scripts/topicpage.js"></script>
<script src="../../../whxdata/layoutconfig.js"></script>
<script src="../../../whxdata/brsdata.js"></script>
<link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../../template/MagicDefault/custom.css" type="text/css"/>
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Sorry, let me get this straight - when you browsed (outside of RH) to the story.html file located within the RH assets folder in your project & it launched in a browser, you got the RH TOC appearing?
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In the RH output folder, yes.
In the source RH project assets folder, no.