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I'm using the latest RH 2019 version and testing the frameless skin. I'm using the conditional tags pretty much. Unfortunatly I have to tag the complete TOC, too, right? Why isn't that inherited from the topics? But thats just a side question...
When I generate my project as a responsive HTML5, the TOC is getting filtered correctly. When I'm creating a frameless output out of the same project with the equivalent presets, the TOC filtering is different. I have to groups for filters: Plattform ("online" and "on premises") and Role ("Admin", "Configurator", "View",...). In the responsive output the filter groups are AND connected. Is it possible that in the frameless TOC they are OR connected? Is that configurable?
I hope you understand what I mean and maybe someone knows a solution for it?
Thank you and regards
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You don't need to apply the filters to the TOC. All that does is exclude the topic from the TOC, not from the build. The TOC should change as you apply the filters.
I just created a four topic project with four tags (2 groups of 2).
In the outputs (responsive and frameless) they both work the same way. You only see in TOC the topics relevant to each of the four options. Select one filter and I see one topic. Select two and I see two topics. The grouping does not and never has affected the filtering.
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Probably it was a missunderstanding - I need it working for dynamic filters, not for different outputs.
I also created a test project were you can see the behaviour:
The titles shows, how the topics are tagged.
For example, how can it be that "config_online" is displayed although the filter "Print" is set. The topics "online" and "Configurator" are hidden, as expected. This looks to me, that the the filters are OR connected. I think "config_online" is displayed, because it is tagged with "Configurator" - the Plattform-tag doesn't have any effect on it.
These topics are contained in the project and output:
In the responsive output, the content filtering works, but in the toc the same behaviour (thats why I asked for the tagging in the toc):
responsive output
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When I referred to outputs I meant the same content from the same project but one using the frameless skin and one using the responsive skin.
In the test I did I set it to allow multiple selections in a group. You are not allowing that so we were looking at different things.
See the Contact page on my site and send the test project as instructed there. Do make sure you include a link to this thread and please do not email the project direct. It will be easier if we are working off the same project.
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Thank you, I sent you the project via wetransfer.
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Sometimes they are a bit slow relaying it on. They will let you know they have advised me and when I have downloaded it. I expect it will be in the next few hours.
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WeTransfer is being unusually slow. Hopefully it will be here by the morning.
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Still nothing so I think something has gone wrong. I have never known WeTransfer take this long.
Please check the email address you used (don't post it here).
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Sent it again. Probably it was ne problem, that I used the *.gmx-Address... Hopefully it works now. Only 27 kb.
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I have only tested config-online but I found that if I click config-online in the TOC I get a warning that it is excluded by the filters applied. Thus it is getting filtered out of what's available but not out of the TOC. I had thought it was both in the TOC and working.
I have been working on a merged help setup and there the TOC is filtering as it should. I will now set up a single project test and see what I find there.
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I have tried removing the groups to bring your project into line with what I was seeing with the merged projects but still config-online stays persistently in the TOC.
I am going to do some more testing later but I think I will end up referring this to Adobe. Let's take this offline for a while and post back what is found later. I will keep you updated by email.
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I just realized, that all topic with 2 condition tags (config_print, config_online, admin_print and admin_online) are never filtered in the TOC. The content is filtered "correct" (just on the topic level not on the content level, see topic "First Topic", it's obvios OR filter and gets crazy, when tags are set on topic level). The frameless just doesn't show a message.
Ok, thank you for reviewing, looking for your mail.
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No need to take this offline. You just hit the nail on the head.
I just set all you topics to have one tag only and the toc filters correctly.
Does the TOC filter OK if you apply the tags there as well? Let me know and I will take this up with Adobe. I will let you know the response.
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When I added the tags to the TOC, the filter works correct in the responsive HTML5, but not in the Frameless.
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OK. I will take this up with Adobe and get back to you.
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I made a quick retest after installing update 12 - seems nothing changed here 😞 so unfortunatly the frameless skin is still not working for me. Hopefully in the next update!?
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I can't recall where we got to behind the scenes and seem to have lost all the behind the scenes emails as well as not having kept your project as that was some months back.
Please send me the last email or two that I sent so that I can get back up to speed.
Update 14 is now out. I don't think it will help but do try it.
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I updated today, so my test was on v14.
Just send you a mail with the test project and documentation.
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Ah. I sent you the document I had sent to Adobe so you know what that covered. I am not aware of it being fixed in 2019.