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Generate Word document in RH2020

Explorer ,
Jun 17, 2022 Jun 17, 2022

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Good Morning,

We are writing to ask you to help us as we can not generate a word output.

Probably because we make a mistake in creating the template. Can you help us understand how to create a new template?


Thanks so much in advance






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Community Expert ,
Jun 17, 2022 Jun 17, 2022

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First of all you might find it easier to use a CSS file to create your document. That can either be your normal CSS or one with the same style names but the styles edited to suit your printed document.


If you look in the About RoboHelp sample project, you will see it has two CSS files, one specifically designated for the printed outputs.


Creating a template is simply a matter of creating the styles in a Word DOCX or DOTX format so that you can map to those when you generate. I used to prefer that method but with tables and lists being more complex now, I find the CSS method much easier. 


This should help you with the Word output generally. RH2020 Word Output (grainge.org)


My site www.grainge.org includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.


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Explorer ,
Jun 17, 2022 Jun 17, 2022

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Thanks so much Peter, but we obtaint the same meassage again "Failed to generate Output". Any advice?





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Community Expert ,
Jun 17, 2022 Jun 17, 2022

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It could be many things. It seems to be time for the old divide and conquer approach.


Zip up the project so you have a copy that cannot accidentally be opened and worked on. That gives you a copy that you can safely revert to later if needed. Save the zip file somewhere safe.


In the new UI the output is controlled by what is in the TOC so create two copies of your TOC and delete different halves. One should work and one should fail. 


Assuming one half only failed, create a copy of it and again delete different halves. By repeating that you should narrow things down to the topic(s) that are giving grief.


If both failed, you need to create smaller and smaller sections.


I am assuming you have all updates applied. You should be on 2020.7


My site www.grainge.org includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.


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