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How to change breadcrumb separators for RoboHelp 2019 frameless outputs.

Enthusiast ,
Oct 17, 2019 Oct 17, 2019

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Breadcrumb separators + frameless outputs! By default, you get a ":" (colon) after the starting "Home" breadcrumb and then a "/" (forward slash) for subsequent separators. But, how and where do you change these? I looked into it and here's what I found; perhaps there's an easier method. 


Change the Home separator

Go to Output>Labels>English (US) (this is the default/only language for my project - yours may be different) and select FRAMELESS. In BreadcrumbStart, replace the ":" character with the "|" - or whatever character you prefer. Save the changes. That's the easy one. The forward slash is a little trickier.


Change subsequent separators

Finding where to change this took some digging, but it appears to be controlled/specified using the following code in several instances of the layout.css file that are installed/stored under the RoboHelp 2019 program files (file paths provided below):


.rh-layout-BCRUMBS-list-item::before {
content: "/";
margin: 0 0.5rem 0 0;
color: #707070;



Based on my testing, it appears you need to manually perform this modification for all 4 (four) instances of the following layout.css file: 


  1. C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe RoboHelp 2019\resources\data\template\layouts\frameless\layout.css
  2. C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe RoboHelp 2019\resources\data\template\layouts\frameless_homepage\layout.css
  3. C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe RoboHelp 2019\resources\data\template\layouts\preview\en_us\frameless\template\frameless\layout.css
  4. C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe RoboHelp 2019\resources\data\template\layouts\preview\en_us\frameless_homepage\template\frameless_homepage\layout.css


Tip: Before making these changes, shut down RoboHelp, create backup copies of each layout.css file (e.g., copy and rename to layout.css.original). You may also need to blow out your output files before generating the output to view the changes (I'm not sure yet if generating output completely overwrites every existing file in the output location or just those it detects have changed). 


Logged a feature request to incorporate this configuration functionality into the RH 2019 GUI: https://tracker.adobe.com/#/view/RH-5728


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Explorer ,
Oct 27, 2019 Oct 27, 2019

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A lot of thanks for this tip!
But I added this change to the layoutDiff.css in the skins folder of the project, in that way you don't have to fiddle with the 4 css files in the program files folder(s).





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