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Good morning,
I have the RH 2022.0.346 version and I would like to ask you if it is possible to insert, within an HTML5 preset, two bottons that allows you to forward ("next" page) and back ("previous"page) a page, without having to click each time on the relative paragraph in the TOC. I tried looking in the online help but without success.
Thank you in advance.
Next and Previous has two meanings. It can mean the last page viewed and having used that you can go forward again through that sequence.
However, I think you mean the other option, the next page in the TOC or the previous one. For that you can use RH2022 Browse Sequences (
That allows you to create any sequence. That could be the same as the TOC or it could be the topics the user needs for a process. It's any order you like.
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Next and Previous has two meanings. It can mean the last page viewed and having used that you can go forward again through that sequence.
However, I think you mean the other option, the next page in the TOC or the previous one. For that you can use RH2022 Browse Sequences (
That allows you to create any sequence. That could be the same as the TOC or it could be the topics the user needs for a process. It's any order you like.
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Thanks Peter,
but despite having created the browse sequence, in my HTML5 preset output there are no "Previous" and "Next" buttons. Is there a way to create and link them to TOC chapters?
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Have you selected the browse sequence in the preset? Which template (skin) are you using?
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I used a custom HTML 5 preset and of course I have select the browse sequence in it.
But I noticed that even using a standard preset, for example one with Azure Blu template, the problem remains: there are no buttons that allow me to switch from one topic to another.
Could you help me?
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It's topics only but you can create separate browse sequences for each chapter.
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Peter I solved! It was enough to create more than one, in my case two, browse sequences. Thanks so much!
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Go to the second topic in the sequence and see if they appear then. I am suspecting a bug here.
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Yes they appear! In the first topic only one appears, both appear in the other topics .
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That should not be necessary. What fooled me was I was looking for the sequence in the wrong place in this skin.
It's the right arrow below the search icon. I think it has been moved.
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