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learning robohelp 2020 trial

New Here ,
Aug 03, 2020 Aug 03, 2020

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Hi All
Its been 5 years since I used Adobe Robohelp as a technical writer. I am using the 2020 trial version and learning the new layout and features and have the following questions so far:

1. I cant find information on how to create a style from scratch can someone please send me the steps?
2. When you you actually publish your project?
3. Has anyone tried the publishing output to Zendesk and if yes do you like it?
4. I was able to merge my older robohelp file and generate it in this version of Robohelp. When i generate my project samples to various outputs, the only one that works with my pop up glossary definitions is webhelp? The other outputs generate and my links work but not my pop up conditional help any idea why?

5. Please remind me what Map Id's are and how they are related to conditional text pop up? what is difference between this function and drop down, text, expanding text ,glossary pop up etc?



Caryn Drovie





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