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Multi-Level Lists RoboHelp 2019 New UI Link to Word Source

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Oct 15, 2020 Oct 15, 2020

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Hi Everyone,

We are working to migrate from RoboHelp 2019 Classic to RoboHelp 2019 New UI and are having issues with Style Sheets and the formatting of Multi-Level Lists. Here is the scenario: We have 18 Word documents that are the source files for our User Guide. The RoboHelp Project pulls in the contents of each Word document via Content / Link / Link File. Once the file is linked I use Edit Settings / Advanced to select  Convert Word Lists to HTML Lists and Import Inline Styles then select Create / Update topics.The result is content that looks perfect in the RoboHelp Content editor (List numbering, Fonts applied, Indentations correct) but has issues in the Responsive HTML5 output. When I create and apply the Master Page I loose the font formatting (the results of the Import Inline Styles).

Everything I want to do works PERFECTLY in RoboHelp 2019 Classic.  Something happened in Reimagined - The List Paragraph style sheet is not being applied to the multi-level list items. 

We MUST go to RoboHelp 2019 Reimagined since our SharePoint Site migrated to SharePoint Online which is not compatible with RoboHelp 2019 Classic. We are looking to migrate to RoboHelp 2020 in the future but, for now, are on RoboHelp 2019.  I have had many conversations with the Adobe Tech support to no avail. I am hopeful that someone in this forum has encountered and resolved these issues.


 Michelle Waltmire BMO Harris Bank, N.A.






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Community Expert ,
Oct 15, 2020 Oct 15, 2020

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RoboHelp Reimagined is a sample project rather than the product name. Yeah, I know, support call it that as well. Support are wrong!


The basic problem here is the new UI versions (2019 and 2020) use strict HTML5 and CSS3 that doesn't play nicely with Word lists. The Classic versions of RoboHelp used proprietary code that got around that but it's not an option. That said you should still be able to link to a Word document.


Could you share one of the Word documents with me? If you can what I want you to do is create a new project and add your CSS files and the master page so that it shows the problem. Then see the Contact page on my site and send the project and the Word document as instructed there. Do make sure you include a link to this thread and please do not email the project direct. Also let me have some notes directing me where to look in the Word document for a list that is how you want it.


I will then generate an output to see what you are seeing and see if I can find a solution.


If the information in the document is confidential create a copy and just put in garbage text. As long as the list format is there is all that matters.


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Community Expert ,
Oct 15, 2020 Oct 15, 2020

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Two late thoughts here.


  1. Are you saying it works OK in an output that does not use the master page?
  2. Try without converting to HTML Lists.


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New Here ,
Oct 22, 2020 Oct 22, 2020

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Thank you Peter,

I appreciate your confirmation of the change in the UI per your first reply.  The 'trick' seems to be, as you noted in your second reply, to disable the 'Convert Word Lists to HTML Lists' in the Word Link Settings / Advanced tab.  By keeping the 'Import Inline Styles' I was able to have my Bold and other locally defined character styles appropriately applied to all my text and have the correct numbering and indentations levels in my multi-level lists.  The only remaining challenge is to deal with the fact that we have 'normal' text and graphics (application screen captures) embedded in the lists.  Depending on where the information falls within the list the indentation is not always applied. So far I haven't figured out any sort or pattern other than the fact that the 'normal' text cannot be the last item in the list.  I basically have to 'play' with the placement of the screen shots within the list until RoboHelp recognizes the graphics and applies the indentations. 





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