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Hello all,
I'm trying to duplicate a Robohelp project (last saved in 2022.4 179, but it may have been created on a previous version).
This project is structured this way:
After reading this topic, I copied/pasted the folder /Robohelp-project-2023 via the Windows explorer.
I then opened the French version in /Robohelp-project-2023-Copy/FR/Robohelp-project-2023-FR.rhpj, and modified the project name to Robohelp-project-2024-FR in the project parameters. Until that point, everything is OK.
Then, I tried to rename the root folder /Robohelp-project-2023-Copy to /Robohelp-project-2024.
From this point, if I open the project /Robohelp-project-2024/FR/Robohelp-project-2024-FR.rhpj, I either get an empty project (and RH seems to be lagging, as if it was comuting somethin), or a screen with the recent project files.
Am I missing something obvious ?
I found the cause of the problem.
Short answer:
I used a special character (#) in the new duplicated folder name.
If I don't use a # in the name, the duplication works and I can open the project.
Jeff, Peter, thanks for taking the time!
Longer answer, just in case it can be useful:
If I do use a # in the folder name:
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So was this a merged help scenario? I suspect you probably should have started the renaming at the parent level first and then done the child projects (but I'm not 100% sure of that since I don't deal with merged projects). Maybe you need to create a new parent and then add the renamed child projects to it?
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Thanks for your answer Jeff,
As far as I know, this wasn't a merged help, just one with 2 langs.
From what I understand, there is no parent project linking the 2 lang versions. This being said, I'm not familiar with this merged / child project concept...
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See Peter's site -
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Thank you for the link, Jeff, I'll definitely check that out.
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The correct way is to Windows copy the contents of the original that includes both languages into a new folder. Then rename the project within RoboHelp.
My site includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.
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Hello Peter,
that is exactly what I have done.
Sorry if my description wasn't clear, I tried to give a lot of detail, but maybe there was too much and the gist of my message got drowned out.
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I found the cause of the problem.
Short answer:
I used a special character (#) in the new duplicated folder name.
If I don't use a # in the name, the duplication works and I can open the project.
Jeff, Peter, thanks for taking the time!
Longer answer, just in case it can be useful:
If I do use a # in the folder name:
No wonder I didn't find this problem on the forum, I might be the only RH user who uses # characters in folder or file names ^_^' ... Never again.
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Underscores are probably fine, but anything else I would stay away from.