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Problem with Dynamic Content Filters

Enthusiast ,
Jul 18, 2022 Jul 18, 2022

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Hi all,

I'm using RH2020.6.76. I have a problem or misunderstanding regarding Dynamic Content Filters. I have the following scenario:

Tags: 1, 2, 3


Section tagged 1

- Topic tagged 1

Section tagged 2

- Topic tagged 2

Section tagged 1,2,3

- Subsection tagged 1

-- Topic tagged 1

- Subsection tagged 2

-- Topic tagged 2


Now, when I set my content filter to 1, I get the following displayed in my TOC of the output:

Section tagged 1

- Topic tagged 1

Section tagged 2

- Topic tagged 2

Section tagged 1,2,3

- Subsection tagged 1

-- Topic tagged 1

- Subsection tagged 2

-- Topic tagged 2


When I try to open Topic tagged 2, I get the message "Topic is hidden by current filters".


I would have expected that also Subsection tagged 2 would be hidden by the filter. Is it possible to achieve this and if, what do I have to do for this? Am I misunderstanding how the content filters work? (Yes, I read Peter Grainges information about this, but I still don't get it)


If I only tag the topics and not the sections in the TOC, always all sections will be shown, which is not what I want.


Thanks in advance for any help!

Kind regards






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Community Expert ,
Jul 18, 2022 Jul 18, 2022

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Sorry to say Dynamic Content Filtering is not what it was. First of all in the new UI we lost the ability to apply expressions to filters. Then in Update 4 we could no longer apply a tag to both a topic and content. I don't think that has been fixed and I'm not sure if there was a reason for that change or if it was deliberate for some reason.


If you create a simple project with just the minimum number of topics to test this, I will take a look at it but I'm not hopeful.


In the first topic please explain in a table what you expect to see when each filter is applied and what you do see.


Great if I can do something but if not, I will take this up with Adobe again.


My site www.grainge.org includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.


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Enthusiast ,
Jul 18, 2022 Jul 18, 2022

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Thanks for your help, Peter. I will send you a test project to look at.

I tried to create a table that further explains what I want to achieve and what I get:




Also, when I do not apply tags to the sections in the TOC, what I said above is not correct. In this case, the topics are filtered correctly, but the sections are not displayed (correctly). In my test project, this looks as follows:


It should look like this:




In my actual project, it causes that the parameter topics can only be found using the search, they are not displayed in the TOC at all (because their sections / subsections are not displayed).





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Enthusiast ,
Jul 18, 2022 Jul 18, 2022

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One more update: in my actual project, when not applying condition tags to TOC sections, the topics are displayed as shown in the screenshot of my test project, but ONLY AFTER I searched them manually and opened them. In this case, the filter criterion is a new one, so maybe thats causing this strange behaviour there. However, the structure of my TOC is destroyed and causes problems. That's why I applied condition tags to TOC sections in the first hand.





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