Put version from Sharepoint to document - depent on topic status?
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Hello RH community,
I would like to ask you if it si possible to put version number which is creating in Sharepoint to document in RH (for example to footer)?
Other topic which could relate with it is topic status (draft, in progress, ready for review, send for review, reviewed and complete). What happen when I change status on Complete? It make change of version at sharepoint (increase)? Or what function has this topic status except the showing the status?
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I'm not sure I am following but I think you want your topics to have a version number in them. Is that for just you to see or users?
If it is just for you, I suggest adding a new Topic Status such as Version 1. You can add more. They will not show in Topic Properties until you close and reopen RoboHelp unless a bug has been fixed.
My site www.grainge.org includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.
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It is not only for me. We need to make visible version of the document for other people, need to have number version also on printed documents and also need to have automatical connection. For example when I click on Complete and then on Check in - version of document increase on Sharepoint and then (by some automatization) appear also in footer of document. Is it possible some way or type of these automatization?
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Highly doubtful - I don't know if there's any way for RH to know anything about the SP versioning of documents that could be fed back into a variable.
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It will be a different version number for each topic, correct? If so I can't think of a way of clicking Complete to trigger an update just for that topic.
My site www.grainge.org includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.
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Yes, different version number for each topic... maybe use some scripts, but unfortunately I am not proficient in creating and using scripts.
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I suspect that would be really tough to get the info about what the topic was going to be versioned as before it's checked in.