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Whenever I try to rename a folder in the Contents panel, I get an error message. For example, I have a folder called "Guide":
1) Right-click on Guide folder and choose "rename".
2) In the Name field, I remove the word Guide and replace it with Tutorial.
3) Click Done.
This gives the message:
Folder Exists
Folder "Guide" already exists, choose another name.
Is this just me, or is this a bug? If a bug, any suggestions for a workaround?
I am using RH 2020.6.76
I found the cause! Apparently Robohelp does not like projects to be stored in a folder with a "." (period) in it. So, for example, if I create a project in c:\tmp\aaa.bbb, I get the above problem. But if I rename aaa.bbb to aaa_bbb, the problem does not exist.
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I found the cause! Apparently Robohelp does not like projects to be stored in a folder with a "." (period) in it. So, for example, if I create a project in c:\tmp\aaa.bbb, I get the above problem. But if I rename aaa.bbb to aaa_bbb, the problem does not exist.
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OMG! This was driving me crazy. Thanks for the solution! 🙂
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To add to this. In my case the offending period was within the path to the folder I was trying to rename.
Example > C:\Documents\RoboHelp\23.1\RH2020\ProjectX\content\folderx
As soon as I replaced that period/decimal point with an underscore, RH was happy to rename whatever I wanted.
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My file path has no periods in it, but I'm still getting the error.
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To elaborate: It has not special characters in it of any kind.
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In my case, the file name/path had no special characters in it, and I was still getting the error. I moved the project out of "MyRoboHelp Projects" and onto a new folder on my C drive. Somehow, that solved the problem.
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Whilst it is not an illegal character most sites covering which characters can be used in file names warn against it.
Glad you found the answer quickly.
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The "My Robohelp Projects" folder is in the Documents folder which is actually in a path that begins with "C:\Users\[your user name]\". In this case [your user name] might contain a fullstop. e.g. joe.citizen
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You're absolutely right. I moved it to a folder outside of the Users folder (C:\whatever), which didn't include the firstname.lastname folder inside the Users folder.
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Can one of you guys submit a bug report to Adobe?
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Why can't you? 🙂
Please follow this link to report bugs or request new features. Post the link to your bug report / feature request in this thread and others can vote for it. The more people who do so, the higher it gets prioritised.
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