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In my Contents list, I can right-click a topic to open the Topic Properties dialog box and one of the properties I see is File Name. If I change the filename here and then click Apply, nada, zip, zilch. File name does not budge. I actually have to go into Windows Explorer and rename it there.
Also, if I change the File Title in the Topic Properties dialog box, and then click Apply, nada, zip, zilch in the TOC. I have to select Rename instead on the topic's context menu and then it changes in the TOC.
I really don't want to have to go in to two separate places to make these changes - I have inherited a project w/ thousands of topics that desperately need cleanup to reflect the true contents of the file - hence, the renaming of the files themselves and the retitling of these topics.
What am I missing?
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I just tested the following and it works for me:
(oops, pressed Post too quickly)
Make sure you don't use any strange symbols. I'd stick to English letters, numbers, underscore and dash. (Avoid spaces too - while they are valid the can sometimes cause problems in online content).
The TOC has always been separate text that has to be updated manually. I regularly have cases where I don't want the TOC entry to match the topic title, so I personally would vote against moves to make them synchronise automatically. 🙂 However, it would be nice if there was a way you could sync if you wanted to.
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Re the TOC name, see the RoboHelp Reimagined project or my RoboHelp Tour. In 2019 New UI you can keep the TOC and the Topic Title in sync or you can keep them independent.
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Ah, nice. I didn't know that. Sometimes what you see as random behaviour is actually a feature 🙂
One other advice. If you're renaming topics and moving them around in bulk, make regular backups of your entire project, each time in separate files (like,, etc). I have found random files of mine become empty (0 kB) when I moved many pictures from one folder to another. I then had to restore the contents from an old output I made. Might not happen to you, but better safe than sorry.
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To add to Peter's remark, I've tested some things and indeed, if you leave the TOC name empty, it becomes the file title. This makes syncing the TOC very easy. You can do it in 2 ways.
In the UI, one line at a time:
In the TOC file, all at once:
If you want to know more about regular expressions, for example, what [^"]+ means,have a look at this article I posted on LinkedIn about it:
Hope that helps.
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Thanks everyone!