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I created a review for a project about 3 weeks ago. Now that I've received input from the stakeholders, I went to open it in RH, but I'd sinced updated to 2020.6.0, and now the review won't open! I can see the comments, but not the text they're related to. I see the error message:
Could not open file asset://contents/FileNameGoesHere.htm
Is this one of those "gotchas" where you absolutely cannot upgrade the software if you've got a review open? It seems like a huge flaw in the software. Is there anything I can do to remedy the situation? (I was forced to update the project when I opened it in RH update 6.)
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Oops. The RH build is actually 2020.6.76.
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Not something we can test without removing RoboHelp and going back to Update 5 and even then, the fact that the project has been upgraded means it is not in the same state.
Do you have an Update 5 backup?
I think Support is your best option here. See for your Adobe Support options. The email link is recommended as it reaches a team dedicated to Technical Communication Suite products including RoboHelp.
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I can reset the project by pulling the old from source control, but if that means I have to uninstall RH so I can reinstall to update 5 just to finish up the review, I'll do it. That can't be a real solution, though. Imagine having to uninstall/reinstall for a particular update every time I want to work on a specific project!
I'm seriously rethinking the decision to move to RoboHelp. The frustrations seem endless!
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@KarenMinOR Please email me via my site.
See for free Authoring and RoboHelp Information
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Hi Karen,
This issue is not related to RoboHelp's new update. We would like you to check following things:
1. Try and open the review link of your created review in browser. Is it opening fine there?
2. Create a new review in update 6 and check if that is opening fine within RH.
Kindly check these two things and let us know. If needed we will connect over a screenshare call.
Sincere apology for the incovenience caused.
Thanks and Regards,
Surbhi Maheshwari
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Thanks for responding, Surbhi. Before I saw your reply, I did the following:
Now the review opens fine, I can see the review topics and the stakeholders' comments.
The project I updated and worked on last week in Update 6 is in limbo now until the reviews I started in Update 5 are finished.
As for your two questions:
1. No. I could access the review link and log in, but there were no topics listed. (My stakeholders were quite confused.)
2. I'm hesitant to reinstall update 6 until the review is done. The project I worked on under update 6 is now in limbo while I wait for the final review comments.
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Hi Karen,
Can we connect over a screenshare call to look into this?
By RH update there should not be any such impact. Please let me know your availability and I will schedule a call.
Email me at
Thanks and Regards,
Surbhi Maheshwari
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Thanks for your help, Surbhi. Adobe will investigate the one bug uncovered during our screen share, but you also clarified for me that the Your work | Adobe Creative Cloud site does not display the topics for the review, only the review itself. After deleting the .rh folder, it looks like I can continue the review on Update 6.