RH 2017 and RN Server 10 - Using areas, groups, and users effectively
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Is there any good example/article/blog on how to use areas/groups/users to its best in RH Server 10?
I am able to publish the entire help content to the general area with access to everyone. I can also view the project.
I want to accomplish this:
- There are few topics/chapters I want to hide from general users but make available to only few users.
- Any good article/blog on user authentication through both database and LDAP to refer to for Development team.
- My product uses its own authentication which is DB-based. Can I extend that view content.
- How do I relate it to areas/users/groups. If user1 logs in the product how can I ensure that he sees only content published to Area1. If user2 logs in the product how can I ensure that he sees only content published to area2?
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Hi Tejas
You might achieve parts of what you want, but maybe not exactly.
This Adobe RoboHelp Server 10 Webinar may help. I conducted this along with Willam van Weelden. A free recording is available here. (You have to registered for it first, then you will be returned to a "Watch Now" link. A bit confusing, but it works 🙂
A lot of details are also in the online help:
Adobe RoboHelp Server 10
Individual topics are not authenticated. Instead, you create an Area (Human Resources, for example). Unlike the default General Area, which does not have authentication, this custom-created Area can be designated, "Protected". It is subject to authentication and access by groups of Users which you designate. The User Groups that have access to that Area can be added using LDAP for convenience. Then you publish an entire RoboHelp project to that Area. So, when users try to access a project topic in that Area, they are stopped from viewing until they enter their username/password.
Unfortunately, I suspect you may not be able to integrate that into a single-logon scenario with your web application. I simply don't know since I'm not a network admin. I would call Adobe Support and ask them to please escalate your question to someone who specializes in Adobe Robohelp Server 10. If you have any difficulties, please let me know by emailing me at my Forum profile address.
John Daigle
Adobe Certified RoboHelp and Captivate Instructor
Evergreen, Colorado
Adobe Certified RoboHelp and Captivate Instructor
Newport, Oregon