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So, I've been having this issue for as long as I've been using RoboHelp, and to start with it was fine as I could work around it, but now, given the scale of the docs I've doing it's become a MAJOR obstacle when it comes to sharing information.
Basically, if you right click on any mini-toc item and open in a new tab or copy/paste the URL, you get a 404 error, as the URL that is created for the mini-toc seems to be unrelated to the actual page you are on.
Has anyone come across this issue? In older versions it would simply re-open the page but not on the mini-toc item (this was back in 2022), but all the latest updates just simply give the 404. Here's an example page from our live documentation:
Right click on any mini-toc item and see for yourself. Even just mousing over the mini-toc items will show the URL at the bottom of the browser and you can see that it's broken, and unrelated to the page that is open.
Any help with this is much appreciated.
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Also note that this is not the latest version as I haven't been given the okay to update. I'm still on 2022.4.179
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It looks like the topic is missing the bookmark references that would have taken you there - like if I look at "Top Down Camera" in the right pane, it's got a #topdown bookmark reference in the URL, but if I inspect the topic at the "Top Down Camera" spot in the topic, I don't see any bookmark on that H5 line.
Are there bookmarks in the RH source topic?
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Yup! All headers have ID's (except certain legacy pages that haven't been updated for some time). On that page the html looks like this:
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Oh, wait, you mean an ACTUAL bookmark <a href=""> correct? In that case, no, none of the headers have them. I'll test and see if that solves the issue, but honestly, I don't see why it would be necessary. I would expect the mini-toc links to "just work". If they work on the page they should provide valid links, imho.
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As in my other post, RoboHelp creates those bookmarks for the minitoc.
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I don't think IDs have anything to do with the problem. If you go to my site and hover over a minitoc link, the URL is correct and works with a left click. However, a right click does not work.
The URL for one topic is
In that topic the minitoc has a link to heading that works if left clicked. Copying the address gives this.
The default topic for the whole help plus the bookmark the minitoc creates. Clearly that is not going to work.
Did you create a bug report when you first found this issue? If not I suggest you create one now as only Adobe can fix it.
Please follow this link to report bugs or request new features. Post the link to your bug report / feature request in this thread and others can vote for it. The more people who do so, the higher it gets prioritised.
My site includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.
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Hi Peter! THanks for confirming that this seems to be a bug, and I did create a bug report about this, which can be found here: (Upvotes appreciated!)
I was kinda hoping that someone had a workaround, but I guess not.