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Hi All,
Earlier with webhelp output in rh2017 there was an issue with the toc not expanding and collapsing. The fix was updating this string:
sText = sText.replace("\n", "");
sText = sText.replace(/\n/g, "");
in the whthost.js file.
I tried that but the issue still persists. Chrome latest version now is 70.
Is there any other fix to be done to get the toc expand and collapse in a webhelp output?
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Our WebHelp system (via RoboHelp 2017) works fine in IE 11, but our application now must be fully functional on latest Chrome. Our help is context-sensitive, but we need to have our link to the full help viewer working. We have the same problem with Chrome in the TOC pane - the "books" are there, but the TOC does not expand or collapse in WebHelp in Chrome. So our help system is now not fully functional.
I will try the change referenced above for the whthost.js file, to see if that helps. If it doesn't, I will be in same dilemma as my fellow RH user in the above post.
Any RH experts have any more ideas to help us here??
Susan Tabnik
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Have you applied the second patch for RH2017? I thought that Chrome TOC fix was included in it.
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I applied the second patch yesterday. Then re-generated WebHelp on 2 of the help systems. I checked in our installation today which should have picked up those 2 updated WebHelps, and I am still seeing the problem in Chrome. Only happening when help is opened from within our applications, so from a web server. (If I open it directly from a local drive, it seems to function fine in Chrome for that TOC issue.) I will keep checking this, as the build for the installation could have possibly not picked up my latest changes.
This is context-sensitive help, so the web server calls a specific HTM in the WebHelp folder. Several times I clicked the Show button on the open help topic, and the TOC was expanded with that topic highlighted in the TOC. But I'm not yet sure why the Show opens like that sometimes but not every time. Mostly, the TOC is "collapsed" and won't expand when I click a "book".
One other thing that may affect this - I realized that I had NOT applied the first patch for RH2017. So, maybe I need to re-do these patches.
Thanks so much for your help here. Open for more suggestions!
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The second patch includes the first so that's not it.
If it is working in Chrome locally then it has to be something in the call and I cannot help you with that.
See for free RoboHelp and Authoring information.
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In looking at the call, I see that TOC in Chrome does not work correctly when URL from the "Show" link includes the context-sensitive topic's HTM. In the below URL, "NavigateHelp.htm" is the start page of the project. "ViewSecurity.htm" is the context-sensitive topic from where I clicked the "Show..." link.
However, if I remove the " #[page].htm" , such as " #ViewSecurity.htm " above, the Show link displays the welcome / start page in the right pane, and the TOC books expand and work correctly.
So, is it possible for me to change the URL from the "Show.." link or do the application developers here need to change that? The start page is the same for the entire help system, so hard-coded change should be OK.
Any ideas? I will search the Forum for any info on "Show" link.
Thanks, everyone. I value your help here!
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See Calling WebHelp on my site. That explains using a URL to open a context sensitive topic. Done that way there should not be a show link, it should open the TOC, toolbar and topic. If you are seeing a show link as well, something is wrong.
See for free RoboHelp and Authoring information.
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Thanks, Peter. I will check out your site - which is always helpful!! - for calling WebHelp. Our application brings up the context-sensitive topic with the help icon on the web page, and we include the "Show" link if someone wants to use the Index, Search, or TOC for further navigation.
I was thinking that how we could modify the resulting URL for the "Show".
Onward and upward!
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I just spent some time with a very nice RoboHelp tech support person. He also changed that whthost.js file, then I regenerated WebHelp and copied to our server. However, the same problem was still there in Chrome when I clicked the Show link. No expandable TOC! He also said that there was no other JS file that can control that Show link.
My new friend told me that it seems to be a problem with our web server interacting with Chrome. So my next stop is to one of our developers mostly in charge of web server stuff. Even if I knew what the exact change would be and where - he would be the one to do it.
Still open to suggestions. Peter - your article was very good, but I think it didn't quite address the unique setup here.
Thanks to all.
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Update that may be helpful. We found out with the same steps I noted above (from the Show link, within our application), that the TOC behaves correctly in Chrome version 56 but NOT in Chrome version 71. Very interesting - but not necessarily an answer, since we can't ask our system's users to use an older version of Chrome just to get the TOC to work!
I am now experimenting with changing various options on the WebHelp generation window - such as turning off Synchronizing Table of Contents. So far nothing has corrected the issue.
Still open to suggestions. Appreciate everyone's help here. My RH Tech Support ticket is still open from 2 days ago, so will call back and update with this info on versions of Chrome.
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Thanks to Stefan Gentz for this solution!! It works when I generate in Responsive HTML5 SSL!! After we regenerated, we copied our new output to the folder where the system accesses the help files. And when we opened our system in Chrome, opened a help topic, then clicked the link to see the full help viewer - our TOC / Contents pane was usable, with the current topic already expanded. All the "books" were then expandable!
Our next test will to confirm this works when the help is retrieved and installed with the system in regular way. But we think it will work.
Plus we learned about "new" functionality of RH that we never tried.
Thank you again!