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Hi all,
I have been trying to figure out which of my topics are not in my map. Is there any way to do this? I could not find a report that does the trick.
Thanks and regards
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I don't work with site maps but I thought the idea was when you generate one it shows all topics. I am missing why anything should be missing.
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I am not sure if we are talking about the same "map". I mean the map files in the output section, where I map a topic to a part of my software to create context-sensitive HTML5-helps. There, I have to manually link topics to Map IDs. If I create a new topic, because the software has been enhanced, I will have to remember to also make the entry here. I am looking for some kind of report that shows me all topics that are not linked to a map ID, so that I can easily check if I forgot something.
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No we weren't on the same page.
There is a Map ID report that you can download as a CSV file. There are also reports show all the topics. Wondering if you could use a compare tool to locate the missing items?
I would also create a feature request to add the ability to do what you want to the Map ID report.
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