RH2020 - micro content overrides regular search results, can a sequence be set?
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I have a frameless online help developed by using RH2020. We have microcontent groups with intent phrases and responses.
However, I noticed if I search for a single word that is part of the mc intent phrase that I have defined it shows the corresponding mc response.
The regular search starts after that.
For example: my intent is projections in graphs
if i search for graphs it shows me the description/response for the above bolded intent that I have defined.
The normal search results start after the mc.
Is there a way to set a sequence in RH? where the mc search result show up later in the result sequence?
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Sorry but the answer is no, it's how it is intended to work. You can always suggest a change.
Please follow this link to report bugs or request new features. https://tracker.adobe.com. Post the link to your bug report / feature request in this thread and others can vote for it. The more people who do so, the higher it gets prioritised.
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