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Hi all,
Does RH2019 produce a log file when it is generating? If so, could someone tell me where it is stored please?
Am using RH2019 Classic, and all was going well until 30 minutes ago. I have been conditionalising some (simple) text and generating to Word, as well as making some other changes. All of a sudden, the generation process gets to "Updating files" and stops, then crashes. Every time.
I CAN generate to Word successfully when I don't use a Conditional Build Expression, but I was using one earlier and it worked fine. I also CAN generate to HTML5.
Definitely looks like it's something I have done this morning that has upset it - but I have no idea what and really could do with a log file that might give me a clue.
Any help gratefully received. Thanks
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I found this post:
It says that logs are kept in "C:\Users\<user-name>\AppData\Local\Temp\RHTMP folder. Also after generating an output you can click view log (in context menu of preset) to view the file in RoboHelp."
Although I do have this folder, the files in it are not dated today and so am no closer to finding a log. I don't understand what the poster meant by "click view log (in context menu of preset) to view the file in RoboHelp" either.
I have also found Peter Grainge's post about generating from the command line here:
As I am using the classic version, I had to replace the .rhpj with .xpj. I can't get this to work either, though have asked a friendly engineer to help.
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In the first link the poster is using 2019 New UI so any information there is irrelevant and the link to command line generation is also for 2019 New UI. You can't just change the file extension.
The fact that you have found old log files suggests you have found the correct location but the crash means no log file is getting created.
What are the "some other changes"?
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TBH I was clutching at any straw I could find!
I managed to get it to generate again by generating piecemeal until I found the rogue topic. Seems RH didn't like a table for some reason.