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Robohelp and .hs file startup file

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Mar 11, 2022 Mar 11, 2022

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For the integration of a context-sensitive help into an ERP software, the first file <erp>.hs is required. Before I buy Robohelp, I would like to know about the experience with this type of help file. In particular: Is it a current format or is it rather outdated?






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Community Expert ,
Mar 11, 2022 Mar 11, 2022

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I cannot help you on the ERP side of things but I can assure you RoboHelp is far from outdated. There was a story put about in 2005 that RoboHelp was dead. That was based on Macromedia having bought the company that owned it and Macromedia being silent on its future leading to belief they did not want RoboHelp. There might have been some basis for that but very quickly Adobe took over Macromedia and made it clear they would support and progress it. They have continued to update it ever since.


The whole code and the UI were rewritten a couple of years back. My opinion is the UI is cleaner and easier to follow. It is also a fraction of the price of its main competitor.


This link shows you what it covers and shows the UI. RH2020 About Adobe RoboHelp (grainge.org) Is there some other functionality you need? 🙂


By default the start page uses index.htm but it can be anything.htm. Think of it as a website in that respect. You can also use Map IDs. 


A google search shows

What is an HS file? ... Defines the help documentation referenced by the JavaHelp system for a certain application. JavaHelp as such is a format that was considered pretty rubbish in its day and no modern authoring tool supports it. As far as I can recall, it was alway possible to incorporate browser based help back in the day.


RoboHelp supports true frameless help.


My site www.grainge.org includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.


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