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Hi guys , i have a problem with a project that RoboHelp doesn't compile.
This Project is the biggest we have , and when i compile the CHM file RH don't compile and don't create the file CHM.
In particular RH compile and when arrive and the end don't create the CHM file.
The process string are :
Starting compilation...
Compiling C:\FAQ\!chm_tmp_folder_0\NC-Contabilità .chm...
Preparing to create HTMLHELP...
Clearing output folder...
Preparing files for HTML Help...
Copying file...
Updating files...
Finished preparing in 144 sec(s)
Initilizing compiler...
Generating HTMLHELP (
Updating Topics...
Updating 00_GestioneContabile.htm...
and RH go ahead with the another files htm we have but and the end TH says :
Warning : The Size of stop file has to be limited in 512 bytes...
C:\FAQ\!chm_tmp_folder_0\NC-Contabilità .hhp
Finished compiling HTMLHELP in 179 sec(s)
Compilation Complete.
But RH don't compile all the files and he doesn't make the output files.
This project is the hugest that we have , with the anothers project that are more small we don't have any problems.
Thanks .
Alex - Seac Italy
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Warning : The Size of stop file has to be limited in 512 bytes is just that, a warning. Have you looked in the folder where the file should be generated to check it is not there? I have seen this issue reported before in the same way and the file has been generated.
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Hi, i controlled in the folder where the file should be generated but the file doesn't exist.
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Do the other projects have the à character or similar in them?
If that is not it things get difficult because my experience is RoboHelp only tells you the file has been created when it really has.
Next try generating to a different folder.
Is the project on your C drive as well and is there any source control involved.
Otherwise it seems to be time for the old divide and conquer approach.
Zip up the project so you have a copy that cannot accidentally be opened and worked on. That gives you a copy that you can safely revert to later if needed. Save the zip file somewhere safe.
Then create another copy of the project so that you have two copies that can be worked on.
Open Copy 1 and delete half the topics. Ignore any broken links reported. Generate the help from that copy.
Open Copy 2 and delete the other half of the topics. Generate the help from that copy.
It should be the case that one copy is now OK and one still has the problem.
Trash the good copy and then create a second copy of the copy with the problem.
Repeat the process until you have located the topic that is causing the problem.
The process takes less time than you might think.
See for free RoboHelp and Authoring information.
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Hi , thanks for the reply.
I make 3 copies of the project and no one of this is compile by RH.
Maybe is a problems with à ?? But in the anothers project that RH compile we have the à then i don't understand why RH doesn't compile this project.
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What version of RoboHelp are you using?
See for free RoboHelp and Authoring information.
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I resolve that problem with disabling the UNICODE in Windows because Windows doesn't recognize à .
The problem was with à not with the program.
Thanks for the reply.
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Odd that when I asked about that you replied that other projects with that character compile OK.
Do make sure that the file works OK for users who have not disabled Unicode.
See for free RoboHelp and Authoring information.