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RoboHelp page does not work with webserver proxy

New Here ,
Jul 05, 2023 Jul 05, 2023

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We have a internet facing company website and we have hosted help content for the website using Robohelp. The RoboHelp Server 11 (11.2.0) has been installed on a Windows server which is on the company intranet while we have a separate Unix IHS 8.5.5 webserver (based on Apache 2.2) which is exposed on the internet. Further, the website is only accessible over https while the direct help content from Robohelp server can be accessed over http (on intranet). To access the help content from internet we have configured a reverse proxy on the Unix webserver. But we observe that when the help content is accessed from the proxy, the help page does not show the content. We even see the same issue when accessing via proxy in the intranet. But the same page shows content without issues using the direct Robohelp "View Project" URL from the admin console. 

Reverse Proxy on Unix Webserver
<Proxy balancer://help_ws>
BalancerMember http://robohelp_windows_server_hostname1:8080/robohelp/robo/server/Application/
BalancerMember http://robohelp_windows_server_hostname2:8080/robohelp/robo/server/Application/ status=+H

ProxyPass /help/ balancer://help_ws/

Page accessed directly via "View Project" works -

Page accessed via proxy breaks -


On observing the network logs when page breaks, we see a direct call made by the help page to the Windows server hostname & port which is inaccessible over the internet and the page does not load. The same error shows up when accessing the help page from proxy in intranet.


We even tried adding a second proxy for /robohelp in addition to /robohelp/robo/server/Application/ to see if the issue gets fixed, but the issue persists.


Please advise on how to resolve this issue. Thank you.

RoboHelp server






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Community Expert ,
Jul 05, 2023 Jul 05, 2023

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All of those links return Cannot Reach This Page.


The expertise here is for using RoboHelp and generating an output rather than configuring servers. You may be lucky but otherwise I think you will need to contact Adobe Support to get help with setting up RoboHelp Server. The only thing I can think of is checking your versions of RoboHelp and RoboHelp Server are compatible. I don't have details of the required matches but it should be on Adobe's site.


I can only suggest trying Adobe Support. See https://helpx.adobe.com/contact/enterprise-support.other.html#robohelp for your Adobe Support options. The email link tcssup@adobe.com is recommended as it reaches a team dedicated to Technical Communication Suite products including RoboHelp. 


To the best of my knowledge it's the same crew for Server.


My site www.grainge.org includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.


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New Here ,
Jul 20, 2023 Jul 20, 2023

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Thank you for your reply. Following your reply I had opened a case with Adobe and after a screen sharing session with one of the support staff I see the below email response from them today, which does not help us - 


Apologies for the delay. I shared the details of the issue with our engineering team for their inputs. However, according to our engineering team, this issue is outside the scope of RHS as it is related to the reverse proxy. Setting up a reverse proxy server requires configuration at the user's end, typically at the WAF layer or gateway layer where external access is provided, or redirection rules are written. Hence, for this issue, you can check with your internal IT Team.


My further question is does Robohelp support accessing the content from external proxies or its technically not supported? If it is supported, is there some help material on how to configure a proxy from Unix webserver? I looked through the Robohelp 11 Server documentation and couldn't find any precise material on this. 





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Community Expert ,
Jul 20, 2023 Jul 20, 2023

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Think you're going to have to go back to the RH folks on that one too.





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