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I'm struggling to fathom how a functionality as simple as snippet categories can go repeatedly wrong, so I'm just asking here just to check if it's not something else.
As far as I can tell, two/three new bugs have been introduced in 2022.5:
1) the button Snippet categories (Topic properties panel) does not work
Trying to switch a snippet to another category does not work. You have to manually edit the snippetcategories.xml file.
2) renaming a snippet causes it to revert to Default category
3) Editing snippets outside of RH causes snippetcategories.xml to delete itself
I can somewhat accept this one, but it's still fascinating to have everything straight up deleted (and replaced by a new file with only the renamed file) if you rename a snippet file in file explorer.
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I just set up a quick test.
Was it working in Update 4?
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I have now tested editing the XML file. I had two snippets each in a different category. I swapped the two snippets over and reopened the project. Working fine.
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My site includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.
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I edited a Snippet using EditPadPro and on reopening the project, it was all OK.
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@WoutJacobs Do you see the same issues in a new project? Just wondering if the problems you are seeing that I am not are because of upgrading. It shouldn't be but who knows?
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Thanks for opening a ticket, as for additional testing in a new project:
Starting situation: I have 5 snippets, 3 of them in Default and 2 in TestCategory
The dropdown to switch categories is confirmed to be useless as it does nothing:
(upon reopening snippet, original category is shown)
I change the file name of test4.hts (in category TestCategory) to test5.hts. This causes the newly renamed snippet to revert to the Default category and cause test4.hts to hang around as a lopped off part after the <categories> tag, for reasons that the mortal mind cannot comprehend:
(Fortunately, this does not cause RH to crash, yet)
I revert the situation by adding test5.hts back to TestCategory and deleting the weird leftover test4.hts part.
I now edit the file name of test5.hts in file explorer:
This indeed does not destroy snippetcategories.xml, so it's probably something else in my project.
What it does do, is add test6.hts as a new snippet in Default category. I can understand this as this is editing something outside of RH. But it's something to keep in mind.
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What is different is my changes were referring to snippets that existed, I was just moving them around. You are adding a new snippet (5) and that will have no snippet to link to.
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