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Je travaille sur la version 2020 de RoboHelp.
Je génère une sortie Responsive HTML5 principalement pour des écrans de bureau. Or, sur la restitution internet la largeur utilisée est fixe et n'utilise pas toute la largeur de l'écran.
Je veux bien que la largeur soir fixe, mais sur une plus grande largeur, pouvoir utiliser un peu les parties gauche et droite entourées en orange dans la copie d'écran.
Quel paramètre dois-je modifier pour définir une plus grande largeur ?
J'ai bien coché Intéractif, mais je crois que c'est plutôt pour gérer téléphone et tablette.
Il me faudrait définir une "largeur maximale d'écran", mais je ne trouve nulle part de paramètre qui détermine les tailles des écrans.
Quelqu'un aurait-il une idée ?
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There isn't a parameter to change the number of tiles across the page. There may be some behind the scenes way but that is not something I can help you with.
The frameless templates have many more options but even without that, I just tested the Orange template and much more of the width is used. More importantly you can customise the size of the tiles and I am pretty sure that allows more tiles per row.
If you use context sensitive help, the calls will need to be changed so check that before you do try this template.
Frameless templates are also where RoboHelp are focussing future changes.
My site includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.
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Reactif (Responsive) allows the template to change the layout on smaller screens.
My site includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.
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I don't have RH2020 to check right now, but in RH2019 New UI, the Indigo skin allows you to set up to 8 toc tiles in a row in the TOC section.
Beyond that, you'll need to use the browser developer tools to inspect the output code to work out how to allow that section to be wider.
For example, in RH2019 Responsive Indigo output, you could adjust the width and max-width values I've highlighted in the image below. You would add the name of each style plus the width and max-width properties to a custom stylesheet, then add that stylesheet in the skin User Assets section.
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I can't seem to add images to my post today. I'll try again later. 😞
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I think this is the image @Amebr was trying to post. My apologies for missing it myself.
My site includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.
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Effectivement, il est possible de modifier le nombre de tuiles pour aller jusqu'à 8, mais cela ne modifie pas la largeur utilisable ... les tuiles sonr justes plus petites.
Je vais regarder la solution de Amebr avec le script de développement.
Je vous tiendrais au courant.
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Yep, that was one of the images I tried to post. Thanks Peter.
I still can't post, so I think my corporate firewall is blocking stuff. I was trying to post an example about where to look in the browser Developer Tools for the style name you'd need to add to a custom css for the skin
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Here is a capture of an example of the spot I think needs to be changed to make the tiles section wider.
This may be different depending on the skin you are using. But in the example, you'd take the two style names and paste them into you custom stylesheet and either set a max-width with a large number, or replace the value with 'unset' to remove any maximum width. You might also need to add '!important' immediately after the value, but you'd have to generate the output to see if that was necessary.
Hopefully that gives you some idea of what to look for.