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Hi there,
I have been using the index a lot in previous RH versions, and I also used to re-organize it quite often. I have tried doing the same in RH 2019 update 9 new UI, with no success. Here's what I want to do:
I have a couple of index words already containing a couple of topics. Now I detect that I have taken the same word in different spelling in the index. I now want to combine these two index words into 1. Previoulsy, I could simply rename one of the index keys and give it the same name as the other one. I was then asked, if I wanted to combine the keys and have all topics in the new key. In RH2019, I get an error message that the new name already exists.
Another thing is, I would like to be able to drag & drop topics from my project structure under an index word. In large projects, I do not know what I have already defined and what not.
Furthermore, I am missing the proposal of already defined keys when adding keys to a project. So I have no way of knowing how exactly I spelled the key the first time. Also it seems not to be possible to add multiple keys in one go by using "," or ";"
Am I missing something or doing it somehow wrong? Or are these feature requests I should post in the tracker?
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Excellent points. I will alert Adobe to this thread but please follow this link to report bugs or request features.
Post the link to your bug report / feature request in this thread and others can vote for it. The more people who do so, the higher it gets prioritised.
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I just created a feature request with the points stated above. Feel free to vote for it: