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Hello! I'm trying to generate a PDF output that I routinely generate without much problem. Today it is stuck in "Starting generation" and it never generates. I can't click the x icon to interrupt or stop the process.
I updated RH yesterday but generated output successfully afterward.
I have tried creating a new PDF output preset and generating that-- no success. I've also tried shutting down RH and restarting it and I've had no success there either.
However, after a complete system reboot, it now seems to be generating!
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Is there any log file created? It might be hiding in your \AppData\ folders.
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None that I can find!
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However, after a complete system reboot, it now seems to be generating!
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OK, good to hear that worked. You might want to upgrade to RH2022 p3 (Sept 2023) version.
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Howdy again! I'm having the same issue and now rebooting ISN'T working. Could anyone give me a little more guidance on looking for a log file to see what's going on?
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I have a feeling that what you will find will only be meaningful to Adobe. The best place to start is here and use the lower search box. Just entering "log files" brings up a lot of posts that should help.
My site includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.
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Can you generate any other output without stalling? I.e. is it only the PDF generation that's stalling out?
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Nope-- the other type of output I generate on a regular basis is Responsive HTML, and it won't generate those files either. I had no problem generating them just last week, and I generated the PDF successfully once this morning. The only change I made after that was deleting one topic from the table of contents I was publishing.
Things I've tried without success:
Checked for updates to RH (I'm currently using 2020.8.34)
Restarted RH
Restarted PC
Recreated presets
Deleted preset files from the publish folder in the project
Checked for spaces in file names
Created new TOC
Tested TOC with individual topics to see if that would help me discern if one specific topc was causing the problem
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That behaviour tends to make me think there's an issue in your project - testing with the sample project will probably confirm that if it generates all types of output fine.
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Do you have any problems in the About RoboHelp sample project.
RoboHelp creates two copies of the samples on installation.
See if you have any problems with those. I haven't read back through the thread so this may be covered. Are you generating to the same drive as your project?
My site includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.
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I took the time to recreate and attempt to generate the PDF output of this specific TOC one topic at a time. Thankfully it was only 20 topics. But even in doing so, there wasn't a single file that was holding me up. I got it to generate eventually.
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How did you make out with the sample project?
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I tried recreating the TOC, so I didn't get to the sample project. Will attempt again before next time I need to generate output.
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I would test that before you need to do it again - I suspect you have something damaged in your project.
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Another thing to look at for troubleshooting is where your project is located and where you are generating to. If it's a network or cloud storage drive, try with a copy of your project on your c drive, and generating to c drive as well. Network latency and cloud syncing can have strange effects on a project.