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I hardly know how to explain what I want this time, but I hope you can help me anyway.
I´ve got a link from topic A to topic B. When I click on topic A in the table of content, the topic is showen blue there
I want that topic B is also showen blue, when i use the link from topic A to B.
So that in the table of content is showen, which topic is open.
Hope you understand what I mean.
Kind regards
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You want the new topic to be highlighted in the TOC instead of the highlight remaining on the original topic.
When you generate the help, look in the Wizard of AutoSync TOC. Select that option.
See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips
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Hmm, I cannot find it
Do you mean when I generate the chm? There are some options for the TOC (like "Rahmen", "Dialogfeldrame", "Zeilen von Stamm", "Plus-/Minusquadrate", "Auswahl immer anzeigen",...) but I don´t think that there is what I want.
And when I generate the TOC in the toc-pod I cannot find any options.
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Sorry, it is in the window properties for CHMs.
See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips
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I´m sorry but I cannot find it.
The window when I want to generate the chm looks like this
I do not find a window which looks like yours.
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That is the wizard, not the window. Look in Project Setup for Windows.
See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips
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Ah, I´ve got it! Thanks a lot!