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Table of Contents including topics excluded with condition tags

Explorer ,
Jul 06, 2020 Jul 06, 2020

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I've just upgraded my project to RoboHelp 2019, update 14 (not Classic).


I use a lot of condition tags to designate "flavors" of our software applications, but only a few TOCs. For example, InformaCast comes in three "flavors:" Basic, Adv CUCM, and Adv HRE; however, I only have one TOC.


In past versions of RH (including RH 2019 Classic), topics that were excluded from an output by conditional text were also excluded from the published TOC. Upon generating and publishing my upgraded projects, I've just noticed that while the topics themselves are still excluded from the published output as designed, the TOC is including them (clicking the links doesn't find the topic though). 


In the following picture, the topics highlighted with a red box are CUCM topics that should not show up in the TOC of the HRE output. The topic itself is missing (as shown in the right pane), but the TOC still shows it.




Is this a bug or do I need to create different TOCs for each flavor of published output?






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