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The gaps in text

Community Beginner ,
Apr 29, 2019 Apr 29, 2019

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In my last discussion, I mentioned that gaps appeared in the text after I pressed the "Update type" button. I also mentioned that, on the right of the gap, part of the word would be underlined with dots. To remove the gaps, you right click the dotted part of the word and select "Ignore".

RH Gaps.png

Last friday, I created a new Topic, saved it and closed RoboHelp. This morning, I opened the project and that Topic.

As you can see in the image above, ALL THE GAPS ARE BACK...

I’ve just corrected the Topic, by doing the action of selecting "Igonre". I noticed that the Save changes asterisk (*) was not present on the Topics tab. I guess that ignoring the gaps is not considered a change.

I saved the Topic, close it and RoboHelp to see what would happen…

When I reopenned the Topic, the exact same gaps, as the image above, reappeared.

Question 1 : Does this mean that I will have to completely REWRITE THIS TOPIC… AGAIN???

Question 2 : Does this mean that I will have those Gaps in all my new Topics?







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Community Expert ,
Apr 29, 2019 Apr 29, 2019

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I think my response in this thread will resolve this issue:

Types "P" and "Span" and gaps

I think the 'dots' are actually squiggles indicating spelling suggestions, and I think these are implemented using span elements (behind the scenes, so you won't be able to see them if you look at the code). Because I think your span element is styled to have margins (as described in the thread above), when you select Ignore, you tell RH to stop spell checking the word, and thus remove the span element that is causing the "gaps".

So I'm fairly sure the gaps will go once you remove the formatting on your span (see the above thread).





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