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In the .lng file there is a section "pdf" with translated terms for a pdf layout.
It contains for example "Index", "Glossary" etc. But when I create a PDF layout these translated terms are not used, but the English ones instead. When I open the glossary .plt file in the template I can see the English terms:
<div data-region="header">
<p class="glo-header">Glossary</p>
<div data-region="content">
<h1 class="glo-title">Glossary</h1>
I was wondering what I have to do, that these terms are replaced with the translations from the .lng file during generation of the PDF.
BTW for the Responsive HTML output the translated labels of the lng file are used automatically.
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You need to create LNG files for each language and set the one to use in the preset.
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Hi Peter,
thanks a lot for you answer - it seems that I am missing something important:
I have the lng file translated (e.g. as bg_BG.lng) stored in the labels folder -and also visible in the RH UI labels section, the project language is set to bg_BG, the pdf and word output presets use in the language drop-down "Bulgarian (Bulgaria)" and still the Index, Glossary and Table of content headings of the pdf are in English (surprisingly it works for HTML without issue, there everything is translated to Bulgarian).
What also puzzles me is that (as mention in my first post) the pdf template has English terms kinda hard-coded in it. And not in a form of variables or data-fields. Of cours I could manually exchange the text in the templates with the translations, but then the idea/concept of the lng file is somehow lost - and I cannot easily reuse the same template for different languages.
Do you have any other idea of what I could try?
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I'm sorry but I don't know the answer to this issue.
I suggest for this one you need to go to Adobe Support. See for your Adobe Support options. The email link is recommended as it reaches a team dedicated to Technical Communication Suite products including RoboHelp.
My site includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.
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What version of RH are you using? I think I missed that if you mentioned it...
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Oh sorry, I missed that - I am using: Version 2022.3.93
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You may want to try patch 4 - there have been some issues with it - primarily with CHM output IIRC.
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I anyway will update to the latest version as soon as the current translation and release project finished - just right due to the tight schedule I do not want to experiments with upgrading - but good to know that the issue might be solved with the upgrade. Thanks a lot!
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What was fixed in Update 4 can be viewed here.
Be aware it also introduced some new issues.
My site includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.