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I am trying to simulate the language translation process all the way through so I can grasp how all the pieces work together. I've exported my project to xlfs - no problem there. Then I made a small edit to one of the xlfs to simulate the translation. When I attempt to import the xlfs back into the project I never see the test edits. I am opening the translation project not the original untranslated one.
I know I've left out a lot of detail here that would probably help in understanding the issue, but not really sure where to begin. Feel like I will not be able to put an actual translated project in place properly. I made the test edit to the xlf using Notepad rather than an XLIFF translation tool so not sure if this could be part of the problem. BTW I'm using RoboHelp 2022.3.93. Thank you.
Thank you for the description. I was evidently not placing the test edit (simulating the translation) in the correct spot in the code. I had placed it between the <source></source> tags. However when I place it between the <seg-source></seg-source> tags as you've shown, I do see the test edits following the import. So I feel like I've been able to simulate the entire export/import process now. If I had been using an XLIFF translation tool I believe this process would have been more straightforwa
...SOLVED! In our case what happened is that the external translation agency that does our translations uses Trados Studio, and they had an option that removed the MRK tags, so the translated text was not displayed. In the image, above the original, below the translated text returned.
The solution was to put the tags by hand, to verify that this was the problem and it worked. After this, we informed the agency of the problem and they changed some options in Trados Studio, and it no longer removed th
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I have the same problem as you, I have robohelp version 2022.1.188, I have already done several translations using the xlif with success with an external company that gave me back the translated xlifs and I had no problem.
But since 2 days ago, when I import the xlifs files translated by the external company, the code in the file is correct, but when you do the import in the final project everything disappears. I check that everything is correct and it is, except the import. I repeat that I have already done it many times with success but since a few days ago it doesn't work. I have tried to edit the translated text but it doesn't recognise it either. I am doing it with Bulgarian, which I have already done several projects before without any problem.
I am waiting for an answer from the support.
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RH's translation functionality is ... yeah, it has problems.
Does your import:
Is the folder structure of your translation project EXACTLY the same as that of your base project? If your import succeeds but nothing is shown, then the folders don't match. e.g. if you have 'folderA/subfolderA/topicA' in your base project, and you do not have 'folderA/subfolderA' in your translation project, nothing gets imported.
You can simulate an XLIFF translation by editing your source XLIFFs:
Original structure
<source>{COMPLETE SOURCE SENTENCE}</source> <-- do not touch this
'Translated' structure
<source>{COMPLETE SOURCE SENTENCE}</source> <-- do not touch this
<target state="final">
This basically fake-translates the XLIFF as the target sentence is the same as the source sentence.
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Thank you for the description. I was evidently not placing the test edit (simulating the translation) in the correct spot in the code. I had placed it between the <source></source> tags. However when I place it between the <seg-source></seg-source> tags as you've shown, I do see the test edits following the import. So I feel like I've been able to simulate the entire export/import process now. If I had been using an XLIFF translation tool I believe this process would have been more straightforward and the tool would have guarded against the mistake I made. Appreciate your help.
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SOLVED! In our case what happened is that the external translation agency that does our translations uses Trados Studio, and they had an option that removed the MRK tags, so the translated text was not displayed. In the image, above the original, below the translated text returned.
The solution was to put the tags by hand, to verify that this was the problem and it worked. After this, we informed the agency of the problem and they changed some options in Trados Studio, and it no longer removed these labels (sorry I can not say which options, since it is a matter of the agency, but it is a question of settings)
We hope it can help you.