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While upgrading from RH 2017 to the leatest version of RH 2022, we are getting warning files failed upgrading. Also, fpj file is miisng in the upgraded folder. Attached is the image for the same.
Could you please provide help for the same?
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Please use the photo icon to insert images within the post. Seeing an image inline with the text makes it easier for anyone answering or viewing the post.
Having looked at the image you posted, it doesn't really help as it is simply telling you which files it has failed to update. There will be something that is not compatible with the strict appliance of HTML5 and CSS3 that the new versions use. What is causing the failure is something that cannot be guessed so I cannot help with the information given so far.
Has the process copied the files with the issue or not copied them because they could not be upgraded? Look at the code in whichever version has the files and maybe you can hazard a guess. If not, see the Contact Page on my site and attach one of the files to an email. I'll see if I can hazard a guess. Otherwise you will need to go to Adobe Support. See for your Adobe Support options. The email link is recommended as it reaches a team dedicated to Technical Communication Suite products including RoboHelp.
The FPJ files will not be in the new version as they are no longer required.
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