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I've created a table where the first row is to be a repeating header row using the <thead> tag. I have also applied condition tags to the first two columns of the same table, to use for internal audience only.
Unfortunately, the two things do not play well together. Although the header row is repeated, it does not remove/hide/exclude the first two cells of the row (the ones that should be excluded by the condition tags. The remaining rows of the table are properly reduced to just the one column.
Any ideas of how I can stop this override?
Adobe have acknowledged this is a bug and they hope to fix it in the next update. I don't have a date for that.
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Which version of Robohelp are you using? Please include the full version number including updates. If you are using RH2019 please also include whether you are using Classic or New UI. Please include this information with every post, as answers can be very different depending on the version used.
Which output are you generating: online or print? If an online output are you generating frameless or responsive and which skin/template are you using?
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In 2022.3 I created a simple three column table with the first row set as a header row. Tagging out the first column left it in the heading and moved the contents of columns 2 and 3 across leaving column 3 blank.
It seems to be a bug. Please follow this link to report bugs or request new features. Post the link to your bug report / feature request in this thread and others can vote for it. The more people who do so, the higher it gets prioritised.
My site includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.
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I have gone ahead and reported it.
RH-12065 | Tracker (
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Sorry, folks, I should know better!
RH 2022.3.93, Windows 10, and I'm atempting to produce a PDF output at this time. I will need Frameless output in the near future.
I had reported this as a bug back in the RH2019 (new UI) version, and was told it was fixed in RH2022. I am late joining the 2022 realm for a couple reasons, but I did have the exclusion working properly (the exclusion of entire columns based on audience) until I remembered that I needed to repeat the the header row on each page. When I inserted the <thead> tags is when I discovered the apparent conflict between the row tags and the ability to exclude the columns.
I've attached screenshots of the RH WYSYWIG editor view of the content with and without the <thead> tags, and the PDF output of the content with the <thead> tag used (which is different from the WYSYWIG editor rendering).
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Adobe have acknowledged this is a bug and they hope to fix it in the next update. I don't have a date for that.
My site includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.
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Thanks for your quick replies, Peter. I really appreciate your support with my questions!