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Name change to XPJ file broke all of my topic links in my TOC

New Here ,
May 07, 2020 May 07, 2020

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I renamed a repurposed RH Manual to the proper name by changing the xpj file name.  When I opened the project, all of my links were broken and when I try to repair the breaks, the project cannot see all the htm files in the folder.  I cannot even rebuild my TOC because it is not pointing to the folder where the htm folders reside now.  How can I fix this?






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Community Expert ,
May 08, 2020 May 08, 2020

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Love the user name. 🙂


I take it you mean you renamed it in Explorer. The correct way is to open the project and go to File > Rename. That makes all the required changes the correct way. If you did rename it the correct way, then try Step 3 below.


So how to get out of this?


  1. Create a backup first. I always recommend creating the backup as a zip file. That prevents you opening it accidentally and working on it before you realise it was the backup. This way you always have a clean backup that can be used to create a new clean copy time after time.
  2. I don't think I have seen this posted before so my first attempt would be to put the XPJ name back to what it was. 
  3. If that fails, with the project closed delete the CPD file and try opening the XPJ file again.
  4. If that too fails, then do you have a backup as the other options begin to get time consuming?


Post back here to what fixed it or that you still have a problem.


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