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Project file has the image but responsive HTML5 not displaying the image

Explorer ,
Dec 24, 2019 Dec 24, 2019

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Could you please help me. I am using Robohelp 2019. 

In the source files, the images are there but when i generate responsive HTML, the images are missing.


Then i have to open the robohelp file again and reinsert the image again. 

The problem is that the source file is very big and i had to reinsert the images in all the pages wherever the image is missing in HTML5. 

Strange thing is if a certain page has 10 images, i just have to reinsert one image in that page. then responsive html will start showing all the images in that partcular page.

The file was generating the HTML5 properly earlier. 

Please help me to understand why is this happening and how to correct this issue.









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Explorer , Jan 02, 2020 Jan 02, 2020

Deleting the CPD is normally a safe step, it is built in by selecting the option I mentioned and doing via File Explorer directly does not make it work any differently - First i tried by selecting the option (File > Options > General> Clear project cache before opening any project) that you mentioned - generated the responsive html. The images were still missing. 


Then i deleted the .cpd directly from File explorer (Note - the option "Clear project cache before opening any project" was also sele




Community Expert ,
Dec 24, 2019 Dec 24, 2019

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It sounds like you are using Link to File rather than inserting the image in the normal way. If you are, then why?


The path of the link is from your PC to the source so first of all, that would be wrong for wherever the help is hosted. Even on your PC the output folder is not the same as the source so the path will be wrong at that point.


You could try adding it as a baggage file but that still seems an awkward way of doing it.


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Explorer ,
Dec 31, 2019 Dec 31, 2019

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I have inserted the image using Insert > Image option. 

How to add it as a baggage file?





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Community Expert ,
Jan 01, 2020 Jan 01, 2020

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You haven't said which version of RoboHelp you are using.


If it is a Classic version, in Project Manager right click Project Files and click Import Baggage > File.


In 2019 New UI, the file is already listed in Contents, add that to the TOC and then click Hide so that users do not see it in the TOC.


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Explorer ,
Jan 01, 2020 Jan 01, 2020

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I am using Robohelp Classic 2019.

Is there any other way to fix this issue please.





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Community Expert ,
Jan 02, 2020 Jan 02, 2020

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You could try deleting the CPD file and then reopening the project.


If that doesn't help, it's a bit of trial and error.


  1. Is there any source control involved?
  2. Is the project on a local drive? Shouldn't matter but worth a try.
  3. Are the missing images not showing in Project Manager or are they showing with a red cross?
  4. Are the images in a folder with nothing but the images? If yes, try adding one topic to the folder. If that works and I have seen that work, you can exclude the topic from the output with a tag.
  5. Does it happen if you create a new project with just a couple of new topics?
  6. Are you generating to the same drive as the project?
  7. How many topics in the project?


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Explorer ,
Jan 02, 2020 Jan 02, 2020

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You could try deleting the CPD file and then reopening the project.

How to delete CPD File? If i delete the CPD file, will it not delete the complete topics. the help file that i am working on is very big.


If that doesn't help, it's a bit of trial and error.


  1. Is there any source control involved? No
  2. Is the project on a local drive? Shouldn't matter but worth a try. Path - C:\17122019\Help
  3. Are the missing images not showing in Project Manager or are they showing with a red cross? - In the project manager, it is showing. But once i generate the responsive HTML and CHM, it is not showing.  In responsive HTML, there is a empty space. Picture of responive HTML with missing imageEmpty line where image is missingEmpty line where image is missing  and in chm it shows cross mark. i tried "right click on the image >locate item". the image is there in the project manager. Then i re inserted the image and generated the o/p files. the image starts appearing again. The strange part  is  (1) - consider a particular page/topic is not showing 2 images, i just have to insert one image in that particular page/topic. when i generate the html, it starts showing the other missing images in that particular page/topic. So like this i reinsert one image of all affected topics again and then i generate the responsive html. (2) - After this whole process of reinserting the images and generating the resposnive html, supoose i close the robohelp file. then i reopen it again and then try to generate the responsive html, the problem arises again.
  4. Are the images in a folder with nothing but the images? No. the images are not in folders. I created individual topics and added images. the image gets listed under the topics in the project manager. If yes, try adding one topic to the folder. If that works and I have seen that work, you can exclude the topic from the output with a tag.
  5. Does it happen if you create a new project with just a couple of new topics? No. The issue is with only this robohelp file. I have 3 robohelp files. The issue is appearing in only one robohelp file.
  6. Are you generating to the same drive as the project? yes
  7. How many topics in the project? I have created topics in project manager. Each book has around 10-20 topics. Each topic has 5-10 images. The help file is very big.List of topicsList of topics





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Explorer ,
Jan 02, 2020 Jan 02, 2020

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You could try deleting the CPD file and then reopening the project.

How to delete CPD File? If i delete the CPD file, will it not delete the complete topics. the help file that i am working on is very big.


If that doesn't help, it's a bit of trial and error.


  1. Is there any source control involved? No
  2. Is the project on a local drive? Shouldn't matter but worth a try. Path - C:\17122019\Help
  3. Are the missing images not showing in Project Manager or are they showing with a red cross? - In the project manager, it is showing. But once i generate the responsive HTML and CHM, it is not showing.  In responsive HTML, there is a empty space. Picture of responsive HTML with missing image
     Empty line where image is missingEmpty line where image is missing
      and in chm it shows cross mark. i tried "right click on the image >locate item". the image is there in the project manager. Then i re inserted the image and generated the o/p files. the image starts appearing again. The strange part  is  (1) - consider a particular page/topic is not showing 2 images, i just have to insert one image in that particular page/topic. when i generate the html, it starts showing the other missing images in that particular page/topic. So like this i reinsert one image of all affected topics again and then i generate the responsive html. (2) - After this whole process of reinserting the images and generating the resposnive html, supoose i close the robohelp file. then i reopen it again and then try to generate the responsive html, the problem arises again.
  4. Are the images in a folder with nothing but the images? No. the images are not in folders. I created individual topics and added images. the image gets listed under the topics in the project manager.If yes, try adding one topic to the folder. If that works and I have seen that work, you can exclude the topic from the output with a tag.
  5. Does it happen if you create a new project with just a couple of new topics? No. The issue is with only this robohelp file. I have 3 robohelp files. The issue is appearing in only one robohelp file.
  6. Are you generating to the same drive as the project? yes
  7. How many topics in the project? I have created topics in project manager. Each book has around 10-20 topics. Each topic has 5-10 images. The help file is very big.
     List of Topics.png





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Explorer ,
Jan 02, 2020 Jan 02, 2020

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How to delete CPD File? If i delete the CPD file, will it not delete the complete topics. the help file that i am working on is very big. 


  1. Is there any source control involved? No
  2. Is the project on a local drive? Shouldn't matter but worth a try. Path - C:\17122019\Help
  3. Are the missing images not showing in Project Manager or are they showing with a red cross? - In the project manager, it is showing. But once i generate the responsive HTML and CHM, it is not showing.  In responsive HTML, there is a empty space.  and in chm it shows cross mark. i tried "right click on the image >locate item". the image is there in the project manager. Then i re-inserted the image and generated the responsive html5 o/p. the image starts appearing again. The strange part  is 
    (1) - consider a particular page/topic is not showing 2 images, i just have to insert one image in that particular page/topic. when i generate the html, it starts showing the other missing images in that particular page/topic. So like this i reinsert one image of all affected topics again and then i generate the responsive html.
    (2) - After this whole process of reinserting the images and generating the responsive html, suppose i close the robohelp file. then i reopen it again and then try to generate the responsive html, the problem arises again.
  4. Are the images in a folder with nothing but the images? 
    No. the images are not in folders. I created individual topics and added images. the image gets listed under the topics in the project manager. If yes, try adding one topic to the folder. If that works and I have seen that work, you can exclude the topic from the output with a tag.
  5. Does it happen if you create a new project with just a couple of new topics? No. The issue is with only this robohelp file. I have 3 robohelp files. The issue is appearing in only one robohelp file.
  6. Are you generating to the same drive as the project? yes
  7. How many topics in the project? I have created topics in project manager. Each book has around 10-20 topics. Each topic has 5-10 images. The help file is very big.






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Community Expert ,
Jan 02, 2020 Jan 02, 2020

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I'm sorry you think I would suggest deleting the CPD file would completely trash your project and make the situation worse than it already is. If in doubt, use File Explorer to create a copy of the project and work on that.


Please use the term Project when you mean the whole project and File(s) for when referring to a single file (topic, image etc).


There is definitely something unusual here as with the images showing in Project Manager I have not seen the fix you are using covered in these forums before.


Please try the CPD solution and post back. Then we can look further.


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Explorer ,
Jan 02, 2020 Jan 02, 2020

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I am sorry, actually I tried deleting the cpd file yesterday.

I deleted the help.cpd file directly. And then I reopened the project. All the topics were gone. Thats the reason I asked if deleting cpd will delete all the files. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


Could you please let me know the steps to delete the cpd file. I use robohelp classic 2019.





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Community Expert ,
Jan 02, 2020 Jan 02, 2020

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You are asking how to delete the CPD but your post says you deleted it yesterday. Are you meaning you deleted it using File Explorer, got the result you did, so is there another way? If so, not really other than in Settings selecting the option to always recreate it. All that does is trash it in the same way and start again. If all the topics were trashed by deleting the CPD by any method then there is something fundamentally flawed in this project.


I assume this was working and this problem has started recently. Correct?


Can you share the project? If you can, then see the Contact page on my site and send the project as instructed there. Do make sure you include a link to this thread and please do not email the project direct.


I have created topics in project manager. Each book has around 10-20 topics. Each topic has 5-10 images. The help file is very big.

That doesn't really help as it doesn't tell me the number of topics or images. Two books would be 20-40 topics and I don't know how many books you have. Tools > Topic Properties will tell you how many topics. For "very big" I would be expecting something many thousands.


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Explorer ,
Jan 02, 2020 Jan 02, 2020

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I just copied the complete project to other location and searched for .cpd file and deleted it.but I believe that, it is not the correct way to do it and hence I asked you the correct way to delete the cpd file.


I assume this was working and this problem has started recently. Correct? - Yes. It was working earlier. The said problem started recently.


No of topics - 6 books

Book 1-. 14 topics

Book2 - within book 2, there are 13 books - within each book around 5 to 11 topics each

Book 3 - 16 topics

Book 4 - 16 topics

Book 5 - 16 topics

Book 6 - 2 topics





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Community Expert ,
Jan 02, 2020 Jan 02, 2020

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As I said, there are only two ways and deleting using File Explorer is fine.


The size of your project is in fact small so we can rule out issues caused by size. I don't know why it is happening and can only offer to take a look.


If it was to do with the responsive layout being the problem, it would not also occur in a CHM output.


Deleting the CPD is normally a safe step, it is built in by selecting the option I mentioned and doing via File Explorer directly does not make it work any differently. Something is very wrong here so all I can do is look if you can share the project.


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Explorer ,
Jan 02, 2020 Jan 02, 2020

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 If was to do with the responsive layout being the problem, it would not also occur in a CHM output...

The image is missing in both responsive html and chm. 

I will try deleting the cpd once.


Thank you so much for your time and  suggesting these options. I will definitely try deleting cpd file tomorrow and let you know the result.



Lija Nair








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Explorer ,
Jan 02, 2020 Jan 02, 2020

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Deleting the CPD is normally a safe step, it is built in by selecting the option I mentioned and doing via File Explorer directly does not make it work any differently - First i tried by selecting the option (File > Options > General> Clear project cache before opening any project) that you mentioned - generated the responsive html. The images were still missing. 


Then i deleted the .cpd directly from File explorer (Note - the option "Clear project cache before opening any project" was also selected) - It worked 🙂


Thank you very much 


Lija Nair





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Community Expert ,
Jan 03, 2020 Jan 03, 2020

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Ticking the option alone does not delete the CPD. The option is Clear project cache before opening any project. At the point you ticked the option the project was already open. Had you closed and reopened the project, then it would also have worked in this case.


Glad you are back on the road.


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