I just purchased FILE #: 101898937on Adobe stock, which is full of typos. I have found three so far and the text isn't editable so this file is useless.
Contributor1 • Adobe Employee, Feb 02, 2024Feb 02, 2024
Hello @jj_highland, I see the issue you're referencing and I've added a credit back to your account. I'll send these details to be reviewed internally. Thank you for the report and sorry for the problem with the vector.
Hello @jj_highland, I see the issue you're referencing and I've added a credit back to your account. I'll send these details to be reviewed internally. Thank you for the report and sorry for the problem with the vector.
It is a vector file but the fonts have been outlined which I also feel is misleading.
Unfortunately, that is inline with the recommendations for vector graphics. I feel that this recommendation for contributors would need to be reworked.
Thank you very much
You're welcome
ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer