Check at to see if the subscription has been cancelled. If not, you did not finish the cancel operation or the cancel operation failed. If you are in trouble with self cancel, you should contact Adobe customer service.
Adobe customer care can be contacted by beginning a secure chat session at Pop-up blockers need to be disabled, you need to accept cookies! If the chat window fails to open, or is non-responsive, use a different device and/or browser to start the interaction.
Important: Adobe does NOT contact you unsolicited by e-mail or direct message. If you get contacted by direct message from a person, claiming to be an Adobe employee, look at that profile and check if they bear the “Adobe Employee” marking under their name. Adobe support does not use Skype to give you support. If in doubt, ask the forum.
ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer
Hi @pia_0948 - I just checked and can confirm that your stock plan is in cancelled status. If you see that you have been charged after cancellation , please contact customer care through links@Abambo provided and they should be able to help.