클립보드로 링크 복사
브라우저 탭에 로그인된 상태에서 며칠 경과 후 복귀해보니 월간 크레딧이 0이고 환경설정글씨도 한문으로 되어있습니다. 혹시 해킹, 바이러스 문제인지 아니면 로그어웃을 안하면 오토플레이처럼 프롬프트가 연속 재생되는건 아닌지 궁금합니다. 감사합니다.
클립보드로 링크 복사
Hello @디카족,
Thank you for your message. I am sorry you are having this problem.
First, if you suspect there is any possibility that your Adobe account has been compromised, please change your Adobe password immediately. I also recommend that you enable two factor authentication: Secure your Adobe account with two-step verification (2단계 인증을 사용하여 Adobe 계정 보호 ).
Do you know how many credits you had left before you were away? You might also want to double check your account page and make sure your subscriptions are correct. The date of the next charge to your credit card is the same date the credits refresh.
Having firefly open in a browser window should not consume credits. I have about 100 firefly tabs on multiple browsers (Edge, Chrome, Safari, and Firefox) and it does not cause a problem. Reloading a page should not cause a generation to happen.
My best,