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Hello. My account has been temporarily banned (it has a validation status issue) due to me not respecting the AI generated guidelines. I have written to Adobe in the contact form and after a month of waiting, their response was at follows:
Unfortunately, your request couldn't be answered by our Contributor support team. We apologize for this unusual circumstance.
If your problem persists and you can´t find the answer to your problem in our Contributor Help Guide, please write to us again using the contact form.
I do not know what you asked for, but it looks like your account stays blocked.
If your account has been suspended, there is nothing that this community of peers can do for you. You will need to contact Adobe contributor support via the link at “Contact us”. Adobe will answer via e-mail, so watch your spam folder. The answer may take some time, depending on the workload of contributor support and the complexity of the investigation. So be patient and do not spam the contributor support.
I think there is much more here that you're not telling us. But that's neither here nor there as we can't help you with a blocked account. This issue is between you and Stock Contributor Support.
Adobe may temporarily suspend or permanently terminate a Stock Contributor account for any of the following:
1) Suspicious sales or refund activity,
2) They received an official infringement complaint or "take down" notice from a 3rd party,
3) Suspected violation of Stock Contributor Terms,
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I do not know what you asked for, but it looks like your account stays blocked.
If your account has been suspended, there is nothing that this community of peers can do for you. You will need to contact Adobe contributor support via the link at “Contact us”. Adobe will answer via e-mail, so watch your spam folder. The answer may take some time, depending on the workload of contributor support and the complexity of the investigation. So be patient and do not spam the contributor support.
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I think there is much more here that you're not telling us. But that's neither here nor there as we can't help you with a blocked account. This issue is between you and Stock Contributor Support.
Adobe may temporarily suspend or permanently terminate a Stock Contributor account for any of the following:
1) Suspicious sales or refund activity,
2) They received an official infringement complaint or "take down" notice from a 3rd party,
3) Suspected violation of Stock Contributor Terms,
4) A technical problem that only Stock Support can fix.
If you don't hear anything within 15 business days (check your spam folder for reply), send a follow-up inquiry to Stock Contributor Support:
Meanwhile work on other projects and submit content to other microstock services.