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Hi, friends
Today, 9/1/2023, I was unable to access my contributor account. I have not violated any Adobe policies. I have always followed all the guidelines that the Adobe provide. There is a pending payment and several images for sale and under review. This lock makes no sense.
any tips to solve the problem? or does anyone have any contacts from the distributor account team that can help me?
As we have mentioned several times, you need to contact the link that is provided on your screen, ask politely what the violation or reason is, then wait. You will be informed of the reason via email. You then can state your case and wait for a review. If your review is positive, your account will be reactivated. If not, it will remain closed.
Did you read your Stock Contributor Agreement?
Adobe may temporarily suspend or permanently terminate a Stock Contributor account for any of the following:
1) Suspicious sales or refund activity,
2) They received an official infringement complaint or "take down" notice from a 3rd party.
3) Suspected violation of Stock Contributor User Terms,
4) A technical problem that only Stock Support can fix.
Contact Stock Contributor
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As we have mentioned several times, you need to contact the link that is provided on your screen, ask politely what the violation or reason is, then wait. You will be informed of the reason via email. You then can state your case and wait for a review. If your review is positive, your account will be reactivated. If not, it will remain closed.
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Did you read your Stock Contributor Agreement?
Adobe may temporarily suspend or permanently terminate a Stock Contributor account for any of the following:
1) Suspicious sales or refund activity,
2) They received an official infringement complaint or "take down" notice from a 3rd party.
3) Suspected violation of Stock Contributor User Terms,
4) A technical problem that only Stock Support can fix.
Contact Stock Contributor Support. Wait 10-15 business days for a reply. Check your email spam folder. The investigation may take several weeks to complete. If they ask you for more information, cooperate.