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For those that don't read all the extra information like I didn't...
Wait to redeem your code until your current one is expiring or you end up with 2 plans that overlap.
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For those that don't read all the extra information like I didn't...
Wait to redeem your code until your current one is expiring or you end up with 2 plans that overlap.
By @merrillier78181659
That's not correct. If the plans are the same, they should extend your current plan. But the plans need to be the same. You cannot have on the same account two Creative Cloud all apps subscriptions, but you can well have a Photography plan and a creative Cloud all app subscription. Once redeemed, there is probably nothing that can be done about that.
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Sorry but that is correct as it has happened to me twice in the last few weeks.
1st I was gifted 3 months from Flickr and when I redeemed that code I ended up with 2 Photography Plans my existing one that ended in June 2024 and another one that ended in May 2024. I ended up just deleting the 2nd one losing the 3 months I had just been gifted from Flickr.
Then a few hours ago I redeemed my Contributor Bonus and again ended up with 2 Photography Plans my existing one ending in June 2024 and another one ending on 20 February 2025.
I contacted support and after explaining what had happened they did help by deleting the older plan and adding 3 months to my new plan so I only ended up losing 1 month (plus the 3 months of Flickr's gift) . My plan now ends in May 2025.
I then went and read more carefully what was in the 'How to redeem a bonus code'
Take note of these parts
Don’t forget: Bonus codes will expire in 12 months if not redeemed, and Adobe Stock won’t provide replacements for expired codes.
and further down the page
if you want to delay redemption, copy the URL or the 24-character alpha-numeric code and save it for later use.
then last
Keep in mind:
If you already have an active Creative Cloud plan, like Creative Cloud Photography (20GB), and you redeem the exact same plan with the same Adobe ID, your billing will be paused for 12 months if you have a plan that’s billed monthly. If you paid for the full year in advance, the 12-month term of your  bonus plan will stack on top of your existing plan. 
If you already have an active Creative Cloud plan and redeem a different Creative Cloud plan with the same Adobe ID, the plans will run in parallel. It may make sense to wait until your paid membership is up for renewal before you redeem your  bonus plan. For example, if you have a paid subscription for the Creative Cloud All Apps plan, it doesn’t make sense to redeem the Photography plan or a Single App plan before your paid All Apps membership has ended.
It’s important that you don’t select your complimentary plan (step 2) until your paid membership has expired, or, in case you’ve already selected your complimentary plan, copy the 24 alpha-numeric redemption code to a safe location for later redemption (step 3).
See that last sentence is what impacted me and I had no trouble in the past redeeming the codes they were added on to the existing plan but not now, something has changed and I end up with 2 of the same Photography Plan when I redeem.
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and other people who had the same issue with the Flickr Pro gift -
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There must be a different problem with this.
More than once, I redeemed codes for my photography plan, and they added months to my current plan on top. I had twice a two months extention that came with 2 external disks that I bought. Two other codes I gave away, they redeemed and added the months to their account. Amazon was running a special offer, my brother in law bought it and it added a year of Photography plan to his account.
I never redeemed a code from Flickr, however.
Keep in mind:
If you already have an active Creative Cloud plan, like Creative Cloud Photography (20GB), and you redeem the exact same plan with the same Adobe ID, your billing will be paused for 12 months if you have a plan that’s billed monthly. If you paid for the full year in advance, the 12-month term of your  bonus plan will stack on top of your existing plan. 
If you already have an active Creative Cloud plan and redeem a different Creative Cloud plan with the same Adobe ID, the plans will run in parallel. It may make sense to wait until your paid membership is up for renewal before you redeem your  bonus plan. For example, if you have a paid subscription for the Creative Cloud All Apps plan, it doesn’t make sense to redeem the Photography plan or a Single App plan before your paid All Apps membership has ended.
By @merrillier78181659
See paragraph 1: It says clearly that if the plans are the same, you can redeem, and the redeemed code will pause your payements. If your plan is prepaid, it will get extended by one year.
Only if you have a different plan, they will run in parallel.
Do you have the 20Gb Photography plan? If your code is for that plan, it will stack on your existing plan. That's what I experience each time I redeem a new code.
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They "should" extend your current plan, and that's how it has worked for all the years I have been receiving the redemption code; but it's not working that way this year. There have been numerous complaints on the Discord server indicating that the redemption code creates a new subscription rather than extending the existing one, and it requires a call to customer support to get it resolved.
So, it's best to wait until the previous subscription has expired.