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Hello there,
I've posted a 50+ images on adobe stock and don't know why they are still submiting.
I'm waiting over 20 days they still didnt posted online?
Where is the problem?
Can someone please help.
Thank you.
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Just a friendly reminder that we are mostly fellow Stock Contributors and not Adobe Employees on the forums.
Are you able to see the photos under the "In Review" tab in your account dashboard? If you are a new contributor, has your id been validated?
Based on the posts we've been seeing, there seems to be a backlog of submissions in the review process. It's speculated there are a large number of AI photos being submitted that take longer to review.
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Yes I have them in my Review tab.
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see here!
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Generative AI?
The waiting time for generative AI is currently at more than four weeks.
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Now it's been a month and still my images didn't posted.
I really don't know what's going on with this?
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Scan through the other posts here in the forum, and you'll see that about half of them recently are on this subject. Yes, the queue to moderate Generative AI images has gotten huge, and appears to be growing. No one here in the forum can predict how long you'll have to wait...
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You didn't answer the question! If your submission is generative AI, it's normal. As I said, more than 4 weeks. But it's interesting to know. I think we can clearly expand the standard waiting time now to be something between a month and two months. Some of your peers have posted over 400 assets with one post. Formerly, with traditional photography, you posted 5-20 pictures.
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AI sewage blocking the drain -
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Ah makes sense. Let's see what happens - because it has to, otherwise makes no sense- when they start differentiating between the ones that use just pen, Photoshop, Photoshop with a tablet, different brands of DSLR's and so forth. The quality and result should not be connected with the tool, but that's just me and common sense and not feelings. What do I know?
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The quality and result should not be connected with the tool, but that's just me and common sense and not feelings. What do I know?
By @Deleted User
Generative AI generates countless problems that photos don't have and never won't have. Artists, doing handwork, also do not create skulls with four rows of teeth and three-handed Santa Clauses. As Adobe found out, you need to train your moderator specifically for AI art. Probably most of the current AI art in the database, and submitted before December 6 is most likely not following the quality guidelines, which infuriates the customers.
Creating a specific queue for AI art makes sense. And allocating some resources hereto as well. But you should not expect a fast track. It's not in Adobe's interest, to prefer AI art above classic art.
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Everyone can buy a camera but that does not make him/her aworld-renowned artist immediately.
By @Deleted User
I'm not contesting that. You didn't read what I wrote:
It's not a creation problem, it's a moderation problem. To be able to allow that moderators know what to look at, they need to be trained. A traditional artist won't do this:
So, moderators don't need to check this (this is an asset that is on the database and passed quality check).
This one did not pass. It could have passed, however, if the moderator was looking only at the standard errors of a drawing/photography.
I doubt that AI is art, except if the prompt to create the artwork is a great one. But with an innovative prompt, you can generate art.
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I understand that they probably have an influx of tons of rubbish and itmight be causing issues.
By @Deleted User
Moderators need to be trained.
But following your logicneither computer-assisted, nor photography is Art. You can't have both.
By @Deleted User
Did you mean generative AI?
No, both can be art.
I doubt that most of my family pictures should be considered as art. But some of them could be uploaded here and would be accepted for stock. So is stock art: no. Not necessarily. They may be art for a later generation, however.
In the same logic, I doubt the prompt: “Dinosaur in the jungle” will generate an artistic picture that is worth the protection that art is entitled to. At the end of the day, courts will decide, what can be considered as art and what deserves protection and what is a simple machine-generated string of pixels.
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Digital photography, painting & drawing are skills that require talent and much practice.
Generative AI requires no skills, no talent and no practice. AI is just words typed into a prompt. Whatever comes out can vary wildly from pure random nonsense to vaguely familiar shapes and scenery. AI is merely a tool the same as a paint brush or pen.
Skilled artists know how to take usable parts of AI and combine it with real photos, paintings or drawings to make a cohesive artwork. I do the same thing myself with failed art collages. I cut them up into pieces and reassemble them into something new. That's what separates pros from amateurs.
The problem we're facing now is that too many contributors are submitting generative AI "out of the box." There's no real thought about what's usable and what's not usable. You can pour grease down a drain for just so long until your pipes clog. That's what AI has done to the creative pipeline.
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Ah makes sense. Let's see what happens - because it has to, otherwise makes no sense- when they start differentiating between the ones that use just pen, Photoshop, Photoshop with a tablet, different brands of DSLR's and so forth. The quality and result should not be connected with the tool, but that's just me and common sense and not feelings. What do I know?
By @Deleted User
Yes, most likely that is these days the case. If you use a Smartphone or a DSLR Camera is from the technical Quality of the Output that would be necessary to be approved as Stock doen't matter. What matters is the Quality of the picture itself.
Before you submit, please review the submission guidelines carefully and compare your work with other Stock inventory. To be accepted, your work should be as good or better than what's already represented in your keyword category.
The Quality Standards are the same for all, because the Industry, Marketing, etc. need those Standards to work quick and efficient. Of course, it is also important to protect the rights of the respective rights holders. If a model was photographed or served as a template for an AI-generated image, you need a corresponding model release. If a brand has been photographed and you have the rights to distribute these images as a stock, a corresponding release is also necessary for this and so on.
All of this has to be checked to see whether this and the other information is correct. And now the really clever ones come along and flood the stock agencies with hundreds and thousands of pictures of poor quality, produced on the assembly line, without legal protection, etc. because one has heard from someone that this scheme is supposed to work with the NFTs (it does not, but unfortunately that's the way it is with such rumours). Some stock agencies reject AI Art entirely, others don't care, and Adobe Stock is a pioneer for high quality awareness. The basic tests will certainly also be automated, but ultimately one person will look over the individual pictures again to make sure everything is correct. And now THAT takes time. If people have perhaps become more reasonable in a few weeks or months, the AI technology may have gotten better and thus the corresponding pictures and you don't find thousands of similar pictures.
Until then be patience, learn more, get better and be prepared that man of your photos maybe not approved. Learn from that and get better Photos that are suitable for Marketing, industry, etc. Hope that helps.