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I need help. I'm a long time user of Adobe Stock. I publish my work regularly. Usually, the review process takes a maximum of 5-6 business days. But, now several of my works have been in a state of review for 13 days! They have not yet been published, but I have not received a refusal either. I can't delete my work and I can't re-upload it for review. Perhaps this is some kind of bug? Tell me what to do?
3 Correct answers
Watercolor paintings. It usually takes 5-6 days.
By Elizaveta23808849br9n
It appears that there is not a specific queue for generative AI, but there is a specific queue for illustrations. I'm sorry for this. I suggest you contact contributor support. Need help? (Stock Contributor Support)
Nb: In general, all moderation seems to get a small slowdown.
Keep us updated, please.
Scan the other posts in this forum from the last few weeks, and you will see a continuing theme on this subject. The moderation queue has increased considerably, and it appears that Generative AI assets, in particular, are taking a month or more to be reviewed, primarily because some contributors are submitting hundreds at a time. My most recent small batches of photographs are taking the usual 3-4 days to be reviewed and accepted.
Maybe there is, maybe there isn't. Adobe don't tell us. [Adobe aren't under any obligation to do things in order, or be fair, in any way.] The people here are just saying what they see, and drawing their own conclusions, as you draw yours.
Perhaps you can share with us your method of getting submission date from asset number.
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Well put. As a retired photographer and now an AI designer, I put as much if not more effort into editing my AI work as I did my photographs. Whether it's one image or twenty (though three to seven is probably my average), I made it a point from the beginning to upload daily. Fingers crossed, but after being patient during the first couple of months of waiting, I'm now having images accepted roughly every other day (weekends and holidays excluded). AI is easy...but deceptively so. My motto: When it comes to AI, one is only as good as the number of images one assigns to the trash."
daniellei4510 | Community Forum Volunteer
I am my cat's emotional support animal.
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Your account won't die because of the delay in getting new submissions reviewed/approved. Your assets that have previously sold will continue to sell. Adobe will figure out how to address this big backlog of submissions and segregate Generative AI assets from other asset types. It's just gong to take some time for them to work through it.
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Well... I'm still waiting for my work to overcome moderation. To be honest, interest in this stock is seriously falling, because. On other platforms everything works as it used to.
I do not understand what is going on. My drawing has been pending for 24 days!!!
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It's unfortunate that Adobe has apparently lumped in illustrations with Generative AI in the same queue, making artists such as yourself suffer long delays just because AI Contributors are submitting hundreds at a time...
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27 days for me. Bad PR.
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How is this delay considered "bad PR"?
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The suppliers make money for Adobe. Without their suppliers there will be nothing to sell.
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Obviously they need good, current assets; and Adobe does not have a shortage of Contributors. The problem is with Generative AI assets which have flooded into the reviewing system far faster than Adobe Moderators can review them. If Adobe felt that there was sufficient value in getting those assets into the database faster, they would hire more Moderators. Perhaps they have done that already. But I suspect that the quality of those assets, which seem to have a high reject rate because of the massive uploads of poorly prepared submissions, as well as the sales generated from those assets, does not justify significant hiring.
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Nothing changes.
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The screen print says "submitted 22 days ago". You can expect a wait of 2 months or more for illustrations...
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Not sure there is any PR involved. Adobe stock is run and promoted for its customers, not its suppliers.
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The suppliers make money for Adobe. Without their suppliers there will be nothing to sell.
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JoBo wrote:
The suppliers make money for Adobe. Without their suppliers there will be nothing to sell.
Stock has over 200 million assets + more added each day. "Nothing to sell" is not a problem.
All submissions are reviewed in the order received as quickly as humanly possible.
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They review photos more quickley as some kind of signal to the suppliers that they should avoid uploading generative ai images.
So if they think there is too much of this "crap" coming from us, why dont just cur us of, or make it more difficult by setting more quality rules? My suggestion is that if an ai images doesn't sell whitin a year, it will be deleted. And if any images doesn't sell whithin two years it will be deleted. Then the quality of the whole stock will increase extremely. There is simply too much of bad uploaded (and old) images there.
So...treat all images in the same way, and go for quality.
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Wouldn't work. Images that "don't sell" don't necessarily "don't sell" because of quality issues. They might not sell for a variety of reasons, such as poor keywording, lack of commercial value, competition among millions of images to choose from (which is probably the main one), etc. I've seen way more people uploading actual photographs here asking why their images weren't accepted that couldn't come close to competing with AI in terms of quality.
Adobe (and Adobe Stock) is clearly embracing AI as indicated by the introduction of Firefly. Once out of beta, that issue (if AI generation is in fact the issue, which I highly doubt), things will get far worse before they get better in terms of waiting periods.
daniellei4510 | Community Forum Volunteer
I am my cat's emotional support animal.
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It seems to me that what is happening now is "killing" individual authors and high-level hand-drawn art.
Only AI authors can upload at least 15 illustrations every day. Well, or corporations where several designers work for one account. Either the quality of these illustrations will be "vjuh-vjuh and done"
There may be honest illustrators who work with detailed watercolor illustrations very quickly, but I don't think that 15 vintage postcard-level botanical illustrations can be drawn in a day.
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I need help. I'm a long time user of Adobe Stock. I publish my work regularly. Usually, the review process takes a maximum of 65-70 business days. But, now several of my works have been in a state of review for 70 days! They have not yet been published, but I have not received a refusal either. I can't delete my work and I can't re-upload it for review. Perhaps this is some kind of bug? Tell me what to do?
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It's not a bug. Many Contributors are reporting delays exceeding 2 months. I have some assets that have waited for ~3 months, while a few much newer assets were reviewed. There's no need to delete your submissions; however if you still wish to do so, go to the Uploaded/In Review tab, click on the image you want to delete and scroll to the far right bottom of the screen where you'll find the delete link.
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Read this forum. There are plenty of posts addressing this issue. My photos have been waiting for over three weeks.

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