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Hi everyone,
I’ve been a contributor since 2018, with nearly 10,000 videos and a total of almost 100,000 files uploaded.
Unfortunately, my account was blocked on October 17, 2024 (likely due to duplicate files), and it has now been almost 4 months without resolution.
During these 4 months, I’ve sent 30-40 emails, used the “Contact Us” form around 20 times, and have never received a single reply or update about my account status.
I’ve also filled out the appeal form twice (the second time following advice from Adobe’s Facebook chat), called Adobe support over 10 times, and had 30+ live chats—still, no updates.
Adobe phone support even took my number, asked for a convenient time to call, and promised a specific day to follow up few times. However, I never received any calls.
I’m reaching out here to try to understand: is this the standard treatment for contributors? Can someone from the Adobe team please contact me and provide an update?
Thank you.
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I am sorry about your situation, but you are here on a forum for volunteer contributors helping other contributors.
I hope someone will be able to help you better than I can.
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thanks ❤️
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I'm sorry to here about your account. I'd suggest you stop sending e-mails and wait for a reply. They'll get back to you. That number of e-mails during that short time could be considered spamming and will not take you any closer to a resolution. You need to use the time to familiarize yourself with the terms and condition and the agreement you signed so that you do not repeat the same mistakes. If it is that your account is blocked for spamming with multiple similar files Adobe likely will get back to you with a list of criteria to achieve before going forward. As long as you are not notified that your account is canceled they'll contact you as soon as they reach to your account and processes it. Keep checking your inbox and spam folder.
Best wishes
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no it's can't be spam, i start sending emails after they didn't reply 2 months on my 2-3 emails
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You have already been told by us in three previous posts that you need to wait.
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lol man 😄 it's easy to say 😄 4 months 0 reply
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If you're told previously to wait and you send 30 to 40 emails to Adobe, what do you call that? That is in excess of 29 e-mails you didn't have to send. Try to imagine if everyone who have their account suspended each send that volume of e-mails to Adobe, when Adobe would get to process the first account. If your account is suspended for submitting similar files, then you previously got multiple refusal notices telling you that's what you're doing. That is in addition to the information in the agreement you signed to that tells you the consequence of submitting too many similar. There is nothing positive that these additional e-mails will do for you. You just have to wait. I can understand 2 to 4 additional e-mails within that time laps, but not 30 to 40. That's way too much.
Best wishes
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Man it's very easy to talk when you are not in this situation)
1. i contributor 7 years
2. i spend LOT of money on my video stocks shooting
3. $1500 on my blocked balance
4. it's my main income.
5. in 7 years i did mistake 1st time, and get blocked for 4 months already
6. support didn't emailed me in 2 months before i sent that much emails
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I think we all understand your frustration with this situation over which you have no control, but unfortunately as stated previously, no one here in the Contributor Community can help to resolve the issue.
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This is what I suggest you do. Start submitting to another platform in the interim. As one of our proverb says; "never put all your eggs in one basket". It is good having something else to bounce back on.
Best wishes
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They should be sued for defrauding Adobe contributors.
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Contributors help Adobe make money. If they disable an account (temporarily or permanently), they don't do so on a whim. It is because terms have or may have been violated, and an investigation is required. It's stated right there in Adobe's contributor T&Cs.
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Dear friend they are doing this to me too my design will not match anyone else.
I have submitted many similar designs which is why it was blocked but they could have considered it as a cancellation
What will happen if the account is blocked
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You said: "I have submitted many similar designs which is why it was blocked"
You are openly admitting here that you violated Adobe's guidelines. The guidelines also say that the penalty for doing so is to have your account suspended. Seems like you've run out of options to get your account reactivated.