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1. These are not photographs. They look like highly stylized Generative AI, and not very well executed. One model has 3 legs!
2. I assume these were rejected for quality / technical problems. But what rejection reasons did Adobe give?
Your Stock Contributor Guide explains more reasons for rejection.
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Hi @Yixiang38159478du43 ,
As was said these are not photos. All images have multiple generative errors. To find these errors I suggest you zoom in on the files and examine them closely in details.
Best wishes
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When you upload them, make sure you indicate that they are AI-generative. It is important to look at the result before submitting it. There will always be errors that need to be corrected. You have to know what to look for.
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The hands and fingers in each model, even the statue,, are not well drawn. Zoom in and inspect your images carefully at 100-200% and correct the errors. If they're not fixable, discard them.
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Curious if you submitted these as Photographs or Illustrations. These do not look anywhere close to actual photos. You called them photos. These are clearly AI.
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It only takes one poor rendering to justify a rejection. All of these images have many.