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Deleted Fotolia / Adobe stock contributor account still active and selling photos after 3 years

New Here ,
May 15, 2023 May 15, 2023

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Hi, I was a Fotolia contributor but deleted my Adobe account 3 years ago (I have in my inbox in this email I'm using - Adobe confirming the deletion), now when searching Adobe Stock for some images I found my old deleted account LIVE with all the photos on it.

I tried logging in with my email and failed, then I made a new one under the same email and tried connecting this adobe ID to my old Fotolia contributor account but its not recognizing my login info, probably since the account was deleted you don't have it active in your system.

I have the email from Adobe confirming my deletion request from 2020, I 100% used the same email I'm using now.
Could it be that only my Adobe ID was deleted but not my contributor account? How do I access it then?

I want to access my old account which is obviously still live and 100% has sales since there is 3800 photos on it.
I want to talk ASAP to an agent/specialist who can help me resolve this, I have been waiting previously on chat sessions for over 60 minutes with no answer, wrote emails to contributor support with no answer. I do not want to wait any longer, this is a serious issue and can have consequences because of me working exclusively on another stock platform, and of course I want the revenue and earnings from these past 3 years from sales on this old Fotolia now Adobe Stock profile.
This is my old Fotolia profile, now on Adobe Stock.
Contributors , Fotolia , Troubleshooting






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New Here ,
May 15, 2023 May 15, 2023

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Following this to see if there is a solution. Hope you regain access to your profile.





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Adobe Employee ,
May 15, 2023 May 15, 2023

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Hi, I checked our system and other than the two emails I see you have sent this week, there is no record of any communication from the account you linked in this thread. When I have seen other similar experiences, the result has been that multiple accounts were inadvertently created so the communication was for an alternate account.


I searched our system and found two separate accounts in your name with the same Adobe ID. The account you wrote about here obviously has content, the other does not (created on May 12, 2023). 

Either way, the account is functioning and accessible. You can log into the contributor portal with your Adobe ID and password directly. contributor.stock.adobe.com. I will respond to one of the emails you sent to support to start a chain of communication there.




Mat Hayward 





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