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Is anyone else experiencing an excessive number of rejections, or is it just me? By excessive I mean 60 out of 60 rejected. The last 5 uploads.
every photo submitted rejected for "Quality issues". Which in itself is BS. Why can't reviewers just as easily say what those issues are?
Signs on buildings, blurred people, blownout areas...
Th first image has a white balance issue, and the second image is overexposed and blurry along the left edge.
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can you please upload 1-2 example photos that you have uploaded to Adobe Stock? Are those AI generated or normal Photos?
Before you submit, please review the submission guidelines carefully and compare your work with other Stock inventory. To be accepted, your work should be as good or better than what's already represented in your keyword category.
Hope that helps.
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Th first image has a white balance issue, and the second image is overexposed and blurry along the left edge.
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You have simply clipped your highlights. Even that the histogram is technically showing a correctly exposed picture, there is no structure in the lighter elements.
I would suggest, you take first a course in photography, camera handling and processing. Your second image is also full of artefacts.
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I would love to take a photography course, unfortunately, that isn't possible. I have been shooting since 2016 and have a port of 15,000 images, but everything I know has been self taught through youtube and other online resourses. I don't claim to be a pro, but neither am I ignorant, at least of the basics.
That said, is there a way to salvage or are they just trash?
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The pictures above are good for the bin.
Photography courses are also available online. Youtube is a good source, however you need to separate the nonsense posters from the good ones. A photoclub is also a valuable source of good advice from experienced peers.
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OK, but as I understand it, Getty doesn't allow you to submit your images elsewhere if they were accepted by Getty. And if you don't care about making .95 off of an image, why are you posting or contributing images here? I'm not trying to be an AH, I just don't get your reasoning.
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My rejection rate is .066%. We need to see examples of what is being rejected or we can't be of help.
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У меня такая же проблема
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Signs on buildings, blurred people, blownout areas...
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I don't need a photography lesson, and I'm not joking about the IP issues. Read the Adobe Stock help pages on Intellectual Property.
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Moderators can only choose ONE rejection reason. It's possible for an image to have both Quality and IP issues. There's no need for you to be insulting. I am a volunteer in this forum with the sole intent of helping other Contributors.
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Jill_C, once again, the image was rejected for TECHNICAL REASONS - IMAGE QUALITY, not for intellectual property. Every your reply proves your inadequacy
Moderators refuse on the first error they see, not all error in the picture.
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You've hijacked another person's topic which is impolite. If you have questions, start a new topic.
Before you post again, READ ME FIRST.
Thank you.
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IMHO, it's an excellent idea that you are stopping to contribute. It's good for your hearth and blood pressure and it's good for Adobe stock.
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You included your shadow. You have artefacts and clipping in the highlights. The composition is bad. Well, and there are IP elements in the picture.
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Good luck. I wouldn't buy this picture for several reasons. But not everyone has a need for a high quality picture.
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It's not "BS". It's a business. Moderation is costly. Moderators are required to process assets quickly, and simply do not have the time to enumerate every flaw they see. So if they see just one technical issue, they press the "Quality" button. If they had to carefully inspect every part of the image and list every flaw, the review time would grow enormously, and the backlog of images waiting for review would explode. The expectation is that Contributors are skilled at photography, or whatever asset type they're creating, and able to carefully edit and screen their own assets.
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Adobe is the only stock site that doesn't take the time to justify rejections. All it take is a check of a box. To me they are being lazy. It takes no longer to check the box for a valid rejection reason than it does to check the "Quality Issues" box. This is not about being "skilled" and able to edit my own assets, it's about respecting the people providing content for your website.
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That might be true if there were only one issue with a rejected asset, but many assets have multiple issues. It isn't a matter of laziness, but rather a matter of maximizing the output from each Moderator. If they take twice as long to review and reject unacceptable images, the backlog of unreviewed images grows even larger...
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They could still give a reason for "The first issue" even if ther are multiple issues. SS does, as does almost every stock site on the net. Your argument does not hold up under scutiny with other sites. A click is a click. and wether it's of r quality issues or any of another, it takes the same amount of time.
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You don't request to cancel. You just cancel. Adobe isn't holding you hostage.
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Actually, that's not correct. As indicated at the bottom of the help page linked below, you must contact Adobe to cancel your contributor account.