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Hola a todos, recién comencé en esto del stock y subi varias fotos aleatorias para probar que tal y no se porque me rechazaron tantas si me pudieran dar un norte porfa.
Overall the pictures you have submitted will not meet the standards of Adobe Stock. The peanuts and apple photos have white balance issues and focus and composition issues. The landscape shot is too saturated, the clouds are just white blobs, the colour balance is wrong - too blue looking, the flower photos are rather dark and there are focus issues.
To sum up:
Have a read of this from Adobe about how to create better photos:
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Overall the pictures you have submitted will not meet the standards of Adobe Stock. The peanuts and apple photos have white balance issues and focus and composition issues. The landscape shot is too saturated, the clouds are just white blobs, the colour balance is wrong - too blue looking, the flower photos are rather dark and there are focus issues.
To sum up:
Have a read of this from Adobe about how to create better photos:
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@Ricky336 summed it up pretty well. Focus and depth of field, white balance and saturation, exposure, and composition are your main problems. Also some of your photos have a little noise.
The landscape photo is out of focus, very blue, is over saturated, has blown out highlights (the clouds), and has several objects at the bottom which should be removed (shadows and umbrellas).
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If you are new to stock, you should consider these resources:
Please read the contributor user manual for more information on Adobe stock contributions:
See here for rejection reasons:
and especially quality and technical issues:
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DSC_0518.JPG - not sharply focused and blown higlights
DSC_0071.JPG - depth of field is too shallow, blown highlights, messy background
DSC_0434.JPG - blurry, underexposed
DSC_0447.JPG - artifacts, completely blown out clouds, white balance problem, poor focus
DSC_0481.JPG - poorly composed and lit; unattractive plate of food
Adobe Stock is not looking for quick snapshots; they are looking for well lit, well exposed and nicely composed images taken with planning and thoughtfulness. The links that Abambo provided should help you to understand the quality level that is desired.